FinSpy VM Unpacking Tutorial Part 3: Devirtualization. Phase #1: Deobfuscating FinSpy VM Bytecode Programs

[Note: if you've been linked here without context, the introduction to Part #3 describing its four phases can be found here.]

1. Introduction

In part one of this series, we analyzed the obfuscation on the x86 implementation of the FinSpy VM, and wrote a tool to deobfuscate it to allow easier analysis. In the second part of this series, we analyzed the VM instruction set, wrote a disassembler that works for the running example, and obtained the VM bytecode listing. Now we are left with devirtualization: we want to regenerate a facsimile of the original x86 program prior to virtualization.

This task winds up being fairly lengthy, so we have divided the approach into four phases, which corresponds to the work I did in devirtualizing FinSpy in the same order in which I did it. (That being said, don't mistake "lengthy" for "difficult".) We begin Phase #1 by inspecting the FinSpy VM bytecode program, discovering obfuscation involving the "Group #2" instructions, and removing it via pattern-substitution.

2. Devirtualizing FinSpy: Initial Observations and Strategy

At this point in the process, I had my first listing of the VM bytecode program in disassembled form. I began by inspecting the VM bytecode program and identifying ways to simplify the bytecode. This ultimately resulted in the wholesale elimination of the Group #2 instructions.

You may wish to inspect the initial VM bytecode disassembly, which we shall progressively refine throughout this Phase #1. Along the way, after discovering and applying simplifications, we will gradually obtain new VM bytecode disassembly listings, which will be linked throughout.

2.1 Recap of FinSpy VM Instruction Set and Bytecode Programs

To summarize part two, the FinSpy VM uses a fixed-length instruction encoding, with each VM instruction represented by a structure that is 0x18 bytes in length. 

Each instruction within a FinSpy VM program has two uniquely identifying characteristics associated with it. For one, we can refer to the raw position of the VM instruction within the array of VM bytecode instructions. So for example, the first instruction is located at position 0x0. Since each instruction is 0x18 bytes in length, the second instruction is located at position 0x18, and generally instruction #N is located at position 0x18*N within the bytecode array.

The second identifying characteristic for an instruction is its "key", a 32-bit value (the first DWORD in an encoded FinSpy VM instruction) that can be used to locate a particular VM instruction. Specifically, before entering the VM, the x86 code that executes before transferring control to the FinSpy VM interpreter first pushes a key DWORD onto the stack. Upon entering the VM, the FinSpy VM initalization code loads the key DWORD pushed by the x86 portion, searches through the VM bytecode array to locate the VM instruction with that key, and then begins interpreting VM instructions starting from that location. (It turns out that FinSpy VM instruction keys cause some complications in devirtualization, as we shall see later.)

Most FinSpy VM instructions are assumed to execute sequentially. That is, after one VM instruction completes, the x86 code for the instruction handler adds 0x18 to the current VM EIP, to advance it to the next VM instruction. VM control flow instructions may behave differently, e.g., the conditional branch instructions are relatively-addressed like their x86 counterparts (if the branch is taken, the VM instruction adds a displacement, a multiple of 0x18, to VM EIP; if the branch is not taken, execution continues at the VM instruction 0x18 bytes subsequent to the current instruction). The FinSpy VM also has an instruction for direct calls, and another one for indirect calls. These call instructions behave like you'd expect; they push a return address onto the stack to re-enter the VM after the called function returns.

The FinSpy VM's instruction set consists of three instruction groups:

  • Group #1: Conditional and unconditional jumps, (namely, JMP and all 16 of x86's conditional branches such as JZ, JNS, and JP).
  • Group #2: VM instructions that access the FinSpy VM's single dedicated register.
  • Group #3: VM instructions that contain raw x86 instructions inside of them.

2.2 Preliminary Thoughts on Devirtualization

After analyzing the VM's instruction set and perusing the VM bytecode program, it seemed like the group #3 VM instructions -- those with embedded x86 machine code blobs -- would be easy to convert back into x86. There are three VM instructions in this group: "Raw X86", "Call Direct", and "Call Indirect". (In practice, the latter two VM instructions wound up presenting more complications than anticipated, with direct calls being the most difficult aspect of the VM to devirtualize.)

Group #1, the conditional and unconditional branch instructions, seemed similarly easy to translate back to x86, since their implementations are virtually identical to how x86 conditional branches operate internally. Since conditional branches use relative displacements to determine the address of the "taken" branch, the only challenge is to determine the relative locations of each devirtualized instruction. Thus, once we know exactly how far the branch instruction is from its destination, we can simply compute the displacement. (Indeed, in practice, this was easy.)

Group #2, the set of VM instructions that access the FinSpy VM's single dedicated register, was the wild-card. Although from analyzing the FinSpy VM harness I knew the raw functionality of these instructions, I did not know before analyzing the VM program how these instructions would be used, and nor how to devirtualize them. For ease of reference, those instructions are summarized below from their more detailed expositions in part two:

mov scratch, 0                      [Operand: none]
mov scratch, imm32                  [Operand: imm32]
shl scratch, imm32                  [Operand: imm32]
add scratch, imm32                  [Operand: imm32]
mov scratch, savedReg32             [Operand: index of savedReg32]
add scratch, savedReg32             [Operand: index of savedReg32]
mov savedReg32, scratch             [Operand: index of savedReg32]
mov dword ptr [scratch], savedReg32 [Operand: index of savedReg32]
mov scratch, dword ptr [scratch]    [Operand: none]
mov dword ptr [scratch], imm32      [Operand: imm32]
mov dword ptr [imm32], scratch      [Operand: imm32]
push scratch                        [Operand: none]

Given that the other two groups seem straightforward, and the heretofore-unknown nature of Group #2, this seems like a good first task to devirtualize our FinSpy VM program: analyze the usage patterns of group #2 instructions, and formulate a strategy for converting them back to x86 machine code. (This turned out to be very easy and intuitive in practice, with no real complications to speak of.)

3. Step #1: Tweak the Output to Print the x86 Disassembly

Upon perusing the output of my FinSpy VM disassembler, my first observation was that my task would benefit from knowing the textual disassembly for the "Raw x86" instructions, which were being rendered as raw machine code bytes. For example, the first few instructions in the VM bytecode disassembly were:

0x000000: MOV SCRATCH, 0
0x000018: ADD SCRATCH, EBP
0x000030: ADD SCRATCH, 0x000008
0x000060: MOV EAX, SCRATCH
0x000078: X86 [199, 0, 215, 1, 0, 0] ; <- x86 machine code
0x000090: X86 [184, 0, 240, 65, 0]   ; <- would prefer x86 assembly
0x0000a8: X86 [201]
0x0000c0: X86 [194, 4, 0]

My proximate goal was to figure out how the Group #2 instructions (those involving the SCRATCH register, the first five in the listing above) were used within the VM program. For context, it would be nice to see what the X86 instructions on the four subsequent lines were doing. I.e., it would be convenient to have a textual representation for the x86 machine code, instead of the above display as lists of bytes. 

For this task, I was fortunate to have already written an x86 disassembler and assembler library in Python. (I have previously released this code to the public as part of the course sample for my SMT-Based Program Analysis training class.) For the two group #3 VM instructions with embedded x86 machine code -- "Raw X86" and "Call Indirect" -- I modified my FinSpy VM disassembler to invoke the x86 disassembler functionality when printing them. This was trivial to accomplish in the __str__() method for these Python classes, for example:

        d = X86Decoder(self.Remainder[0:self.DataLen])
        i2container = d.Decode(0)

After doing this, the VM bytecode disassembly listing was easier to follow. An example is shown below; the full disassembly listing can be found here.

0x000000: MOV SCRATCH, 0
0x000018: ADD SCRATCH, EBP
0x000030: ADD SCRATCH, 0x000008
0x000060: MOV EAX, SCRATCH
0x000078: X86 mov dword ptr [eax], 1D7h ; <- new: x86 assembly, not machine code
0x000090: X86 mov eax, 41F000h
0x0000a8: X86 leave
0x0000c0: X86 ret 4h

After some quick perusal, the x86 assembly language mostly looks like ordinary C code compiled with MSVC, though some functions use instructions like PUSHA and POPA that are not ordinarily generated by normal compilers, and hence were probably written in assembly language prior to virtualization.

4. Step #2: Pattern-Based Simplification for Scratch Register Access

Having a clearer FinSpy VM bytecode disassembly listing, I returned to trying to figure out what the Group #2 "dedicated register" instructions were accomplishing. It's easy enough to locate these instructions; all of them use the scratch register, which is denoted "SCRATCH" in the VM bytecode disassembly, so you can simply search for "SCRATCH" to see where these instructions are used. (Or just look at the disassembly listing -- group #2 instructions comprise a significant fraction of the VM instructions for our sample.)

Here I went a bit too fast and would have benefited from being a bit more deliberate. Inspecting the beginning of the VM bytecode program, I noticed a few different patterns involving loading x86 register values into the scratch register. For example, repeating the first two lines from the example in the last section, we see:

0x000000: MOV SCRATCH, 0
0x000018: ADD SCRATCH, EBP

This code first sets the scratch register to zero, and then adds the value of EBP. Effectively, this two-instruction sequence sets the scratch register to EBP. However, elsewhere there were different patterns of VM instructions used to accomplish the same goal. Here was the second pattern:

0x03c270: MOV SCRATCH, 0
0x03c288: MOV SCRATCH, EDX

And still elsewhere in the FinSpy VM bytecode disassembly, we see more natural one-instruction sequences to load register values into the stack register, for example:

0x001b48: MOV SCRATCH, ECX

Faced with these observations, I mistakenly identified this as a form of obfuscation: it seemed as though there were several ways to load the value of an x86 register into the scratch register, and that FinSpy was choosing between them arbitrarily in order to introduce some randomness into the VM bytecode program. Such randomness could make pattern-recognition more laborious. It might end up that I would need to write multiple patterns to match these sequences, thereby multiplying the number of patterns I needed to write involving x86 register loads by the number of patterns that the FinSpy VM employed for loading an x86 register into the SCRATCH register.

I figured that I could save work for myself down the road if I coalesced the two-instruction sequences down into a canonical representation of loading a register into the stack, namely, one instruction sequences as in the third example. (I later realized that this isn't really a form of obfuscation -- the FinSpy VM developers were just being lazy.)

To be specific, I wanted to write a search-and-replace rule that would take VM instruction sequences of the form:

MOV SCRATCH, 0      | MOV SCRATCH, 0      

And replace them with one-instruction sequences of the form:


It was easy enough to accomplish the pattern recognition and replacement using Python's type introspection functionality. Since my Python FinSpy VM disassembler from part two used Python class types for these individual VM bytecode instruction types, I could simply invoke the "isinstance" function to find instances of these patterns in the VM bytecode disassembly listing. The code for this can be found in the function "FirstSimplify" (search the code for that name to find the exact point of definition).

For instance, here is the code to identify the "MOV SCRATCH, 0" VM instruction. It encompasses two different possibilities: the dedicated VM instruction that moves 0 into SCRATCH, and the VM instruction that moves an arbitrary DWORD value into SCRATCH, when the DWORD is zero.

def IsMovScratch0(insn):
    if isinstance(insn,MovScratch0):
        return True
    if isinstance(insn,MovScratchImm32):
        return insn.Imm32 == 0
    return False

The complete code for recognition and replacement is shown in the following sequence. Please take the time to examine it, as all of the pattern-matching and replacement in the rest of this section have similar implementations, and won't be discussed in much detail for the sake of brevity.

# If the first VM instruction is "MOV SCRATCH, 0"...
if IsMovScratch0(i1):

    # Check to see if the second instruction is "MOV SCRATCH, REG32". If 
    # this function returns None, it wasn't. If it returns something other
    # than None, then it returns the register number.
    mr = IsMovScratchReg(i2)
    # Otherwise, check to see if the instruction was "ADD SCRACH, REG32",
    # and get the register number if it was (or None if it wasn't).
    if mr is None:
        mr = IsAddScratchReg(i2)
    # Did one of the two patterns match?
    if mr is not None:
        # Yes: make a new VM instruction, namely "MOV SCRATCH, REG32" to 
        # replace the two instruction sequence we just matched. Use the same
        # file offset position from the first instruction in the sequence.
        newInsn = MovScratchDisp8([0]*INSN_DESC_SIZE, i1.Pos)
        # Save the register number into the new instruction.
        newInsn.Disp8 = mr
        # Use the same VM instruction key as for the first instruction.
        newInsn.Key = i1.Key
        # Add the new VM instruction to the output list.

If one of the two patterns match, the code above generates a new VM instruction to replace the existing two. Since each VM instruction is uniquely associated with a position and key, we decided to copy those attributes from the first VM instruction within the matched pattern, and to delete the second VM instruction outright. (I worried that I might encounter situations where other VM instructions would reference the second and now-deleted VM instruction by its key or EIP, and in fact I had to account for this in Part #3, Phase #4.)

The new VM bytecode disassembly listing can be found here.
(Note that I originally wrote these pattern replacements in OCaml, since ML-family languages are intentionally designed with robust facilities for these sorts of tasks. My first implementation had the Python program print out an OCaml representation of the FinSpy VM program, which an OCaml program then simplified via pattern-substitutions. However, given that only a few such pattern-replacements were necessary to deobfuscate FinSpy VM bytecode programs, I decided that the cognitive and programmatic overhead of serializing between the OCaml and Python programs was unnecessarily complicated, and so I re-wrote the pattern replacement code in pure Python, despite the tedium.)

4.1 The "MOV SCRATCH, REG32" / "PUSH SCRATCH" Pattern

Next, I continued to inspect the VM bytecode disassembly listing and look for further patterns involving the SCRATCH register. I found my next candidate shortly after the previous one. In particular:

0x000120: MOV SCRATCH, ECX
0x000138: PUSH SCRATCH

This VM instruction sequence obviously replaces the x86 instruction "push ecx". As with the previous step, I decided to codify this into a pattern simplification. Any time we see the VM instruction sequence:


We want to replace that with a single VM instruction representing "push reg32". Mechanically, this works nearly identically to the previous step; we use Python's isinstance() function to find occurrences of this VM instruction pattern. The complete code can be found in the "SecondSimplify" function in the Python source code (search for the function name). For ease of reference, here is how we identify "MOV SCRATCH, REG32" instructions:

def IsMovScratchReg(insn):
    if isinstance(insn,MovScratchDisp32):
        return insn.Disp32
    if isinstance(insn,MovScratchDisp8):
        return insn.Disp8
    return None

To replace these two-instruction sequences, we generate a FinSpy VM "Raw x86" instruction which contains the x86 machine code for the x86 PUSH operation. I use my x86 library to create the Python object for the replacement x86 instruction "push reg32": in this example, the Python object for "push ecx" can be constructed as X86.Instruction([], XM.Push, X86.Gd(mr,True)).

After generating the replacement x86 instruction object, I wrote a function to generate a FinSpy VM instruction containing the raw machine code. The function "MakeRawX86" from the simplification source code (search for the function name) is reproduced here for ease of presentation:

def MakeRawX86(Pos, Key, x86Insn):
    # Create a FinSpy VM "Raw X86" instruction with dummy
    # content at the correct position (specified by Pos)
    newInsn = RawX86StraightLine([0]*INSN_DESC_SIZE, Pos)

    # Set the key to be the key from the first of the two
    # instructions of the two-instruction matched sequence
    newInsn.Key = Key

    # Encode the x86 instruction into machine code, store
    # the bytes in the FinSpy VM instruction
    newInsn.Remainder = EncodeInstruction(x86Insn)
    # Cache the length of the x86 instruction's machine code
    newInsn.DataLen = len(newInsn.Remainder)

    # Cache the textual disassembly for that instruction
    newInsn.X86 = str(x86Insn)
    # Return the FinSpy VM instruction just constructed
    return newInsn

The FinSpy VM "Raw X86" instruction object returned by the function above is used as the replacement for the two-VM instruction sequence "MOV SCRATCH, REG32 / PUSH SCRATCH". As the code shows, its two uniquely-identifying characteristics (VM instruction position and VM instruction key) are duplicated from the first of the two VM instructions in the pattern.

After applying this substitution, the new VM bytecode disassembly listing can be found here.

4.2 The "MOV SCRATCH, REG32" / "MOV REG32, SCRATCH" Pattern

Shortly thereafter was another, similar VM instruction pattern:

0x000228: MOV SCRATCH, ESP
0x000240: MOV ESI, SCRATCH

Clearly, this sequence virtualizes the x86 instruction "mov esi, esp". More generally, when we see two adjacent VM instructions of the form:


We can replace this with an x86 instruction "mov reg32_2, reg32_1". As in the previous case, after using Python isinstance() checks to locate instances of this pattern, we generate a Python object representing the x86 instruction "mov esi, esp", and call the MakeRawX86 function (detailed in the previous section) to generate a new "Raw x86" VM instruction to replace the two VM instructions comprising the pattern instance. This process can be seen completely in the function "ThirdSimplify" from the simplification code (search for the function name).

After applying this substitution, the new VM bytecode disassembly listing can be found here.

4.3 The "MOV SCRATCH, 0" / "ADD SCRATCH, IMM32" Pattern

Continuing to look for patterns in the VM bytecode program, I saw the following:

0x0037b0: MOV SCRATCH, 0
0x0037c8: ADD SCRATCH, 0x420344

This sequence can obviously be replaced with the single-instruction sequence "MOV SCRATCH, 0x420344". The function "FourthSimplify" in the simplification code (search for the function name) implements the detection and substitution. Again, it's trivial to write this pattern-recognition and replacement code, though unlike the previously-described pattern-substitutions, the replacement code is a Group #2 "SCRATCH register" FinSpy VM instruction rather than a Group #3 "Raw x86" instruction, since the output involves the scratch register.

After applying this substitution, the new VM bytecode disassembly listing can be found here.

4.4 The "MOV SCRATCH, IMM32" / "PUSH SCRATCH" Pattern

More perusal of the VM bytecode disassembly turned up the following sequence:

0x006900: MOV SCRATCH, 0x000003
0x006918: PUSH SCRATCH

As with previous examples, we can replace this two-instruction sequence with the x86 instruction "push 3", by using a "Raw x86" VM instruction. The function "FifthSimplify" implements this -- it identifies "MOV SCRATCH, IMM32 / PUSH SCRATCH" sequences, and replaces them with a "Raw x86" FinSpy VM instruction object containing the machine code for an x86 "push imm32" instruction, again using identical techniques to those discussed previously.

After applying this substitution, the new VM bytecode disassembly listing can be found here.

4.5 Memory Address Patterns

After performing the aforementioned replacements, we start to see a lot less variety in the remaining Group #2 instructions, and their further purpose quickly became obvious. Namely, each remaining cluster of VM bytecode instructions using the SCRATCH register consisted of two consecutive components: 1) a sequence of FinSpy VM instructions to load a memory address into the SCRATCH register, using what I've called a "memory address pattern"; followed by 2) a sequence of FinSpy VM instructions utilizing using the memory address just generated, for a purpose such as reading from the address or writing to it, using what I've termed a "memory access pattern". We will discuss both such patterns in this section and the subsequent one.

For an example of both a memory address pattern and a memory access pattern, here is the very beginning of the VM bytecode program after all the prior replacements have executed:

0x000000: MOV SCRATCH, EBP                 ; Memory !address!
0x000030: ADD SCRATCH, 0x000008            ; Memory !address!
0x000048: MOV SCRATCH, DWORD PTR [SCRATCH] ; Memory !access!
0x000060: MOV EAX, SCRATCH                 ; Memory !access!

The first two VM instructions set the SCRATCH register to EBP+0x8. These two instructions comprise the "memory address pattern".

The last two VM instructions read a DWORD from the memory address contained in the SCRATCH register, and store the result into EAX. These two instructions comprise the "memory access pattern".

Clearly, these four VM instructions can be replaced by the single x86 instruction "mov eax, [ebp+8]" -- which looks very much like something we'd expect to see near the beginning of a function (suitably, given that the four VM instructions just shown are the first VM instructions in the bytecode program, and are situated toward the beginning of an x86 function). 

For a more complicated example:

0x03c270: MOV SCRATCH, EDX      ; Memory !address!
0x03c2a0: SHL SCRATCH, 0x000003 ; Memory !address!
0x03c2b8: ADD SCRATCH, EAX      ; Memory !address!
0x03c2d0: ADD SCRATCH, 0x000010 ; Memory !address!
0x03c2e8: MOV EAX, SCRATCH      ; Memory !access!

Let's trace the value that is written to EAX at the end. The first two VM instructions shift EDX left by 3; the third VM instruction adds EAX, and the fourth VM instruction then adds 0x10. Thus, the expression written to EAX is "EDX<<3 + EAX + 0x10". EDX<<3 is the same thing as EDX*8, so our expression is "EDX*8 + EAX + 0x10". The format of the memory expression should look familiar -- it can be encoded as the legal x86 ModRM/32 memory expression "[EAX+EDX*8+0x10]". These first four VM instructions comprise a "memory address pattern". The fifth and final VM instruction is the "memory access pattern" instance -- rather than reading from or writing to this memory location, we simply store the memory address itself into EAX. Thus this VM instruction sequence performs the equivalent of the x86 instruction "lea eax, [eax+edx*8+10h]".

Indeed, all of the memory address patterns appear to be creating memory addresses that would be legal to encode using X86 ModRM memory expressions. X86 ModRM memory expressions contain one or more of the following elements added together:

  • A 32-bit base register
  • A 32-bit scale register, optionally multiplied by 2, 4, or 8
  • A 32-bit displacement (an immediate DWORD)

By inspecting the VM bytecode program, all memory address sequences have an identical layout.

  • If an index register is being used, the first VM instruction of the sequence sets the SCRATCH register to the value of the base register. 
  • If the index register is multiplied by a scale factor, the next VM instruction is SHL SCRATCH, IMM32, where IMM32 is 1, 2, or 3 (to multiply the index register by *2, *4, or *8, respectively).
  • If a base register is used, the next instruction in the sequence adds the base register.
  • If a 32-bit displacement is used, the next VM instruction is an ADD SCRATCH, IMM32 instruction.

All of these elements are optional, though at least one must be present. So for example, if the memory address is a raw 32-bit value (e.g. dword ptr [401234h]), only the ADD SCRATCH, IMM32 VM instruction will be present. If the memory expression consists of only a register (e.g., dword ptr [eax]), then only the MOV SCRATCH, REG32 VM instruction will be present. Memory expressions that use more than one element will be virtualized by combining the VM instructions for the elements present.

4.6 Memory Access Patterns

After a memory address pattern just described creates a memory expression in the SCRATCH register, the next one or two VM instructions make up the memory access pattern, and dictate how the memory address is used through how they access the SCRATCH register. By examining the VM bytecode program, I found that there were four distinct VM instruction sequences used for memory access patterns.

4.6.1 Memory Access Case #1: Memory Read, Store Into Register

The first case reads from the memory address, and stores the result in a register:

; ... memory address pattern before this ...
0x000060: MOV EAX, SCRATCH

This corresponds to "mov eax, dword ptr [memExpression]", with the details of "memExpression" being dictated by the memory address pattern.

4.6.2 Memory Access Case #2: Memory Read, Push Result

The second case reads from the memory address, and then pushes the result on the stack:

; ... memory address pattern before this ...
0x004968: PUSH SCRATCH

This corresponds to "push dword ptr [memExpression]", with the details of "memExpression" being dictated by the memory address pattern.

4.6.3 Memory Access Case #3: Memory Write, Value Taken from Register

The third case stores a register into the memory location calculated by the memory address sequence:

; ... memory address pattern before this ...

This corresponds to "mov dword ptr [memExpression], eax", with the details of "memExpression" being dictated by the memory address pattern.

4.6.4 Memory Access Case #4: Store Address into Register

The fourth case does not dereference the memory location, but rather saves the result into a register:

; ... memory address pattern before this ...
0x000e28: MOV EAX, SCRATCH

This corresponds to "lea eax, dword ptr [memExpression]", with the details of "memExpression" being dictated by the memory address pattern.

4.7 All Together: De-Virtualizing Memory References

After having fully analyzed the remaining references to the SCRATCH register as described above, I wrote code to detect the memory address patterns and the following memory access patterns, analyze them, and convert them back into x86 machine code. The function "SixthSimplify" in the simplification code recognizes memory address patterns, inspects the following instructions to determine the memory access patterns, and combines these two pieces of information to determine which x86 instruction the two memory address/access sequences have replaced. Next, the code reconstructs an x86 instruction -- as a FinSpy VM "Raw X86" instruction -- with which it finally replaces the VM instructions comprising the memory address and memory access sequences. As before, the replacement "Raw x86" FinSpy VM instruction uses the key and position attributes from the first VM instruction as the unique attributes for the replacement instruction.

First, "SixthSimplify" invokes the function "DecodeAddressSequence". That function determines if a given position within a list of FinSpy VM instructions begins a memory address sequence. If not, the function returns None. If so, DecodeAddressSequence extracts details from the memory address sequence -- the base register, the index register and optional scale factor, and the 32-bit displacement -- and uses it to create a Mem32 object (the class used by my Python x86 library to represent 32-bit memory expressions), which it then returns along with the number of VM instructions comprising the memory address pattern. That code is shown below. 

# Given:
# * A list of FinSpy VM instructions in insnArr
# * An index within that list in idx
# Determine if insnArr[idx] contains a memory address sequence.
# If not, return None. If so, create an x86 memory expression
# operand using my x86 library, and return it along with the
# number of instructions in the address sequence.

def DecodeAddressSequence(insnArr, idx):
    # Save position of index within insnArr
    oldIdx = idx
    # The first VM instruction in the sequence is usually "MOV SCRATCH, REG32".
    r1 = IsMovScratchReg(insnArr[idx])

    # Was it?
    if r1 is not None:

        # Yes, it was, so increment the current index
        idx += 1

        # Is the next VM instruction "SHL REG, [1/2/3]"?
        if isinstance(insnArr[idx],ShlScratchImm32):
            # Yes, copy the scale factor
            scaleFac = insnArr[idx].Imm32
            assert(scaleFac == 1 or scaleFac == 2 or scaleFac == 3)
            # Increment the current index
            idx += 1
        # Otherwise, there is no scale factor
            scaleFac = None

        # Is the next VM instruction "ADD SCRATCH, REG32"?
        r2 = IsAddScratchReg(insnArr[idx])
        if r2 is not None:
            # Yes, increment the current index
            idx += 1

        # Is the next VM instruction "ADD SCRATCH, IMM32"?
        disp32 = IsAddScratchImm32(insnArr[idx])
        if disp32 is not None:
            # Yes, increment the current index
            idx += 1
        # Make a memory expression from the parts, and return the length
        # of the memory address sequence
        return (idx-oldIdx, MakeMemExpr(r2, r1, scaleFac, disp32))
    # The second possibility is that the memory expression is a raw address.
    imm = IsMovScratchImm32(insnArr[idx])
    # Was it?
    if imm is not None:
        # Yes: make a memory expression from the address, and return the
        # length of the memory address sequence (namely, 1).
        return (1, MakeMemExpr(None,None,None,imm))

    # If we are here, neither of the memory address patterns matched, so
    # signal match failure.
    return None

Next, a similar function called "DecodeAccessSequence" uses pattern-matching to determine which of the four memory access patterns -- mov reg32, [memExpr] / push [memExpr] / mov [memExpr], reg32 / lea reg32, [memExpr] -- follows the access sequence. The code is similar to the code just shown for decoding memory address sequences, and so is not duplicated here. See the source code for the complete details.

Finally, after recognizing a memory address sequence followed by a memory access sequence, we use the machinery we previously developed for regenerating x86 machine code -- namely, the function "MakeRawX86" -- to create a FinSpy VM instruction containing the machine code for the raw x86 instruction. We use this to replace the memory address and access sequences just recognized.

After running this simplification pass, and all prior ones described for Group #2 instructions, over the VM bytecode program, all Group #2 VM instructions disappear, and consequently the SCRATCH register disappears from the VM bytecode disassembly listing. The final disassembly listing of the simplified FinSpy VM program can be seen in its entirety here.

5. Step #3: Correcting a Small Error

Having dispensed with the Group #2 VM instructions, Groups #1 and #3 remained. Before addressing them, however, there was one VM instruction that didn't fit into either one of those groups. Namely, in producing my initial VM bytecode disassembly listing, I had incorrectly identified the FinSpy VM unconditional jump instruction as being an instruction to cause a deliberate crash. I disassembled this as "CRASH". My FinSpy VM bytecode disassembly listing was confusing with how frequently the CRASH instruction occurred:

0x005bb0: JNZ VM[0x005c88] (fallthrough VM[0x005bc8])
0x005bc8: X86 xor eax, eax
0x005be0: CRASH
0x005bf8: X86 mov eax, dword ptr [esi+4h]
0x005c70: CRASH
0x005c88: X86 push ebx

I discussed this issue at length in part two -- the implementation for unconditional jumps was considerably different from conditional jumps, and involved dynamic code generation, which was only used otherwise for Group #3 instructions. Closer analysis revealed that the true purpose of this instruction was as an unconditional jump and not a deliberate crash. Upon learning this, I updated my disassembler component to rename the "CRASH" instruction to "JMP", and to print the branch targets of these newly-renamed JMP instructions. The resulting VM bytecode disassembly listing was clearer:

0x005bb0: JNZ VM[0x005c88] (fallthrough VM[0x005bc8])
0x005bc8: X86 xor eax, eax
0x005be0: JMP VM[0x008df0]
0x005bf8: X86 mov eax, dword ptr [esi+4h]
0x005c70: JMP VM[0x008df0]
0x005c88: X86 push ebx

The entire VM bytecode disassembly listing after this modification can be found here.

6. Conclusion

In this Phase #1, we inspected our sample's initial FinSpy VM bytecode disassembly listing. We improved the listing by including x86 disassembly for the x86 machine code embedded in the Group #3 instructions. We inspected how the VM bytecode program used Group #2 instructions. A half-dozen simple pattern-replacement schema were sufficient to entirely remove the Group #2 instructions. Afterwards, we corrected the output by observing that the "CRASH" instructions were really unconditional jumps.

In the next Part #3, Phase #2, we are ready to attempt our first devirtualization for the FinSpy VM bytecode program. Our initial attempts wind up being insufficient. We study the deficiencies in Part #3, Phase #3, and remedy them in our second, final, devirtualization attempt in Part #3, Phase #4.

FinSpy VM Unpacking Tutorial Part 3: Devirtualization

1. Overview

This is the third and final part in my series on statically unpacking the FinSpy VM. After having deobfuscated the x86 implementation of FinSpy in part one and after having analyzed the VM and written a disassembler for the bytecode format for the particular sample in question in part two, we are now tasked with reconstructing x86 code corresponding to the pre-virtualized code. As before, the files are in the GitHub repository here. Of note:

  • The IDB with the devirtualized code added, and mostly analyzed: here
  • The devirtualization program: here
  • FinSpy VM bytecode disassembly listings with various simplifications: here
  • Binary files for the devirtualized code: here

Because the FinSpy VM is a weak and ineffective software protection, unpacking it is not very difficult. Over half of the VM instructions in the bytecode program for the sample we're analyzing already contain raw x86 machine code. It turns out that FinSpy only truly virtualizes a handful of x86 instruction types, and that simple pattern-matching is effective in reconstructing the original code. It's perhaps the easiest software protection I know of worthy of being called a "virtualization obfuscator" -- and that makes it good practice for the difficult ones. 

As with part one, I am attempting to write this in a walk-through tutorial style. We start from first principles in inspecting the FinSpy VM bytecode disassembly listing, and show all of the steps (along with the code I wrote) along the way. Hopefully I've managed to capture the process of observation, evaluation of design considerations, actions taken including mis-steps, and above all, the iterative, trial-and-error nature of the affair.

2. Organizational Overview

This part ended up being longer and more difficult to write than expected. In fact, writing this document as a tutorial was considerably more difficult than doing the work in the first place. I hope the effort pays off in terms of educational value. Because I personally don't enjoy huge documents whose sections aren't well-segregated from one another, I have decided to split the devirtualization process, and also this document, into a number of "phases", each in its own individual blog entry. All entries are currently online and available for reading; links to them are immediately below. Each individual part links to the code and binary artifacts used in that phase.

Here are the contents of each phase in brief, along with links to the individual parts:

  1. Part #3, Phase #1: analyzing and deobfuscating FinSpy VM bytecode programs. In part two, we analyzed the FinSpy VM and its instruction set, and ultimately wrote a disassembler for FinSpy VM programs. This phase begins by reviewing the FinSpy VM instruction set. Next, we work from first principles in analyzing the FinSpy VM bytecode program. First we add a useful feature to our FinSpy VM disassembler. Next, we analyze a set of VM instructions -- group #2, in the parlance -- used by the VM bytecode program for obfuscation purposes. We determine several patterns, and write code to detect and simplify instances of those patterns within FinSpy VM bytecode programs. After one more small tweak to the disassembler, the FinSpy VM bytecode program is now ready to be devirtualized back into x86 machine code.
  2. Part #3, Phase #2: initial devirtualization. The previous phase left the FinSpy VM bytecode program in a suitable form for devirtualization. This phase begins by discussing the theory behind devirtualizing the individual FinSpy VM instructions. Next, we write a tool to devirtualize FinSpy VM bytecode programs -- this tool takes as input the disassembly of a FinSpy VM program, and produces as output a blob of x86 machine code that no longer relies upon the VM. After producing output, we then inspect our initial results in devirtualization to determine a few deficiencies and remaining tasks before our devirtualization can be considered complete. This phase ends by fixing one of the issues revealed by inspecting the devirtualized output.
  3. Part #3, Phase #3: devirtualizing function calls. The devirtualization generated by the previous stage still has a few deficiencies that need to be fixed before the output is fully usable. As it turns out, all of these deficiencies relate to how the FinSpy VM deals with function calls and function pointers. We discuss the source of the difficulties and determine what needs to be done to fix the issues. Then we discuss a few strategies that we might employ to solve the problems, including a somewhat sophisticated one involving x86 emulation. We settle for something less than that. 
  4. Part #3, Phase #4: second devirtualization. The previous phase collected information about virtualized functions in preparation for a second attempt at devirtualization. This phase incorporates that information into the devirtualization process, and then re-inspects the devirtualized code for defects. After fixing one more remaining major issue and two small ones, we now have our complete devirtualized blob of x86 machine code for the FinSpy VM program in our sample. We trick IDA into loading our devirtualized code, and now our devirtualization journey is complete. 

After phase #4 was complete, I next completely analyzed the devirtualized FinSpy dropper binary. I may publish some techniques I saw that weren't widely documented, and I may publish a complete analysis of the dropper. However, that writing remains to be done, and is not part of this blog series on devirtualization.


FinSpy VM Part 2: VM Analysis and Bytecode Disassembly

1. Overview

This is part two of my three-part series on analyzing and de-virtualizing the FinSpy virtual machine. Part one was a tutorial focused on removing the obfuscation from the x86 implementation of the FinSpy VM to facilitate analysis. This part describes the actual analysis of the FinSpy VM, both the results of it as well as the process of analyzing it. The third part will provide tools to devirtualize FinSpy VM-protected programs.

The same GitHub repository as last time has been updated to contain:

2. Mea Culpa

I endeavored to write a tutorial-style walkthrough for the entire process of analyzing the FinSpy VM, instead of the more traditional "results-oriented" presentations that are so common in the virtualization deobfuscation literature and security in general. In my opinion, I succeeded at this for the first part, and the third part is also amenable to that style of presentation. The second part, however, proved more difficult to write in that style. Ultimately, the non-linearity of static reverse engineering makes it difficult to present textually. Static reverse engineering involves working with incomplete information, and gradually refining it into complete information. This involves a lot of jumping around and writing notes that are cryptic at first, yet become clear after multiple passes of the same territory. Writing this into a textual document would most likely be incoherent and extremely lengthy (even moreso than currently).

I should have known better: when I teach static reverse engineering, I do so with long hands-on walkthroughs where I start at the beginning of some functionality, and describe in a step-by-step fashion what insights I obtain from the code, and how I translate that into annotations of the IDA database. In lieu of that, a video would probably be the second-best option. (Videos aren't interactive like classroom discussions, but at least they would show the process with mistakes and all.)

I've gone through a few drafts of this document trying to hybridize the standard results-oriented presentations of virtual machine deobfuscation with a hands-on style. After being dissatisfied with my drafts, I've settled on a compromise between the results-oriented and walk-through styles. Namely, I am including both. The first part of the document describes the conclusions I reached after analyzing the FinSpy VM. The second part shows the analysis as best as I can present it, including interstitial and externally-linked notes, assembly language snippets for every part of the VM, and decompilations of the assembly language.

I don't know if I've succeeded in writing something accessible. If you find this document too heady, I hope you will return for part three, which will be once again written like a standard tutorial. And since publishing part one, Filip Kafka has also published an analysis of the FinSpy VM, and two researchers from Microsoft also published an analysis of FinSpy. Hopefully between these sources, anyone interested in reverse engineering the FinSpy VM can follow along.

Part One: High-Level Analysis Summary

3. Basics of VM Architectures

Virtual machine software protections are interpreters. Namely, a virtual machine software protection translates the original x86 code into its own proprietary bytecode language (a process called "virtualization"). At run-time, whenever the original pre-virtualized x86 code would have run, the virtual machine interpreter instead executes the bytecode into which the pre-virtualized x86 was translated. The benefit of this protection technique is that the analyst can no longer look directly at the original x86 instructions, with which they are presumably familiar. Instead, they must first analyze the interpreter, and then use the knowledge gained to understand the bytecode into which the x86 was translated. This process is usually considerably complicated through a number of anti-analysis techniques:

  • Obfuscating the interpreter on the x86 level
  • Obfuscating the virtualized program
  • Using a different language for each sample, with the goal of requiring manual work for each
    • Randomizing the map between opcode bytes and instructions
    • Including polymorphic or metamorphic elements into the instructions

FinSpy VM is at the low end of the difficulty spectrum.

3.1 Virtual Machines as Interpreters

Since virtual machine software protections are interpreters, they have a lot in common with ordinary interpreters for more typical programming languages.

  • Instruction encoding. Interpreters need their own standardized ways to represent instructions. For bytecode languages, this is a binary encoding of the instruction and its necessary associated data (such as the instruction's operands). In practice, interpreters usually define encoded instructions in terms of data structures or classes.
  • VM context. Interpreters always have some state associated with them, also known as the "VM context structure". For example, interpreted programs might have access to registers specific to the language, and/or perhaps a stack or data area. (These are common examples; in practice, the state may contain only some of these elements, and/or other elements specific to the language.) The interpreter state is usually packaged up into a structure or object to allow multiple copies of the interpreter to exist throughout the program's execution (e.g., allowing multiple threads to run VM instances).
  • Interpretation. The implementations for the interpreter's instructions, then:
    • Take as input a pointer to the interpreter's context structure; 
    • Query the structure to obtain whatever information it needs to execute (e.g. if the instruction makes use of a value of a register, and the registers are held in the context structure, the instruction must retrieve the register's value from the context structure);
    • Perform whatever action is specified by the instruction and its operands;
    • Update the context structure with the results, for example, storing some value into a register, into the data section, or onto the context's stack.

Putting it all together, then, the skeleton of an interpreter generally looks like this:

void Interpret(VMContext *vmContext)
      // Instruction: add r0, r1, r2 [r0 <- r1+r2]
      case VMOpcode_AddRegReg:
        // Updates vmContext->pCurrInsn and vmContext->bShouldExit

      // Instruction: add r0, r1, imm32 [r0 <- r1+imm32]
      case VMOpcode_AddRegImm:
      /* ... more instructions ... */

An example instruction handler may look something like this:

void VMAddRegReg(VMContext *vmContext)
  // Fetch register values
  DWORD lhsVal = vmContext->regVals[vmContext->pCurrInsn->lhsReg];
  DWORD rhsVal = vmContext->regVals[vmContext->pCurrInsn->rhsReg];

  // Perform addition, update context
  vmContext->regVals[vmContext->pCurrInsn->destReg] = lhsVal + rhsVal;

  // Update VMEip to next instruction
  vmContext->pCurrInsn += sizeof(VMInstruction);

  // Don't signal VM exit
  vmContext->bShouldExit = false;

3.2 Virtualization Obfuscator Architecture Archetype

Virtual machines usually stick quite closely to the archtetype just described, though a few variants exist in practice. The following figure shows the basic model for virtual machine execution. Not all VMs follow this schema exactly. For example, some of them have a pre-initialization phase, and some don't; some of them use a "direct-threaded" architecture where each instruction transfers control to the next one, without having a centalized dispatcher invoking function pointers in a loop.


In brief, here are the roles of the phases illustrated in the diagram, and the considerations in analyzing them:

  • Save CPU state. Every VM begins by saving the registers and flags before the VM executes. This usually involves pushing them onto the stack, but depending on architecture, may involve copying them to a fixed data area. Analyzing this phase most often provides little information.
  • Pre-initialization. Before executing for the first time, the VM might have to allocate data structures (either globally and/or on a per-thread basis), or fix up pointers specified as relative virtual addresses (RVAs) by adding the process' image base address. This phase is usually guarded by a check against a static data item, such as a pointer to allocated memory that is initially set to NULL, or a boolean initialized to false, before pre-initialization has executed for the first time. After pre-initialization, the static pointer/boolean is set to a non-zero value. Analyzing this phase can provide insight into the data structures used by the VM, as well as where within the binary specific parts of the VM interpreter's code and data are located.
  • Initialization. After pre-initialization, the VM must prepare its context structure to begin executing the VM instructions specified by the pointer-type value passed to the VM entrypoint. The details of this phase are highly dependent upon low-level implementation choices for the VM. Analyzing this phase usually provides insight into how the VM passes the registers and flags from the host CPU to the virtual CPU, and how the VM interpreter translates the VM bytecode pseudo-pointers into actual pointers to VM instructions (if applicable). It may also provide a wealth of insight into the VM context structure.
  • Fetch. After preparing the context to execute, the VM must load the details of its first instruction. Analyzing this phase provides insight into how the instructions are stored, and how the VM locates them.
  • Decode. After locating the first instruction, the VM might have to perform special processing to obtain real instructions. The most common example is when the instructions are stored in an encrypted format, and must be decrypted prior to execution. Other examples include modifications to constant operand values encoded within an instruction. The constants may be encrypted as just discussed, or there may be other mechanisms for transforming constants (e.g. converting RVAs into virtual addresses, converting "keys" into values, etc). Analyzing this phase provides crucial, yet usually incomplete, information into how instructions are decoded, which is necessary to understand before writing a disassembler for the VM bytecode.
  • Dispatch. Finally, the VM must determine which bytecode operation is specified by the current instruction, and transfer control to x86 code responsible for performing the specified operation. This is most often accomplished by extracting a one-byte opcode from the instruction and using it as an index into a function pointer table. Analyzing this phase provides insight as to which part of the instruction specifies the operation, as well as illuminating how the VM translates that information into a pointer to code to execute (i.e., we learn where the function pointer table for the VM opcode implementations is held). More heavily-obfuscated VMs such as VMProtect may not store raw pointers in a table; those pointers may be encrypted somehow, and must be decrypted prior to dispatch.
  • Instruction execution. Once the VM has transferred control to x86 code that implements a given VM instruction, that x86 code then must perform all necessary operations to query and update the state so as to affect the execution of the virtual instruction. Analyzing this phase is when the details finally all come together. Quite often we will observe modifications to the VM state throughout the initialization phase that we are unable to decipher because we don't know how the instructions will use and modify those parts of the VM state. Analyzing the instructions will comprehensively test and extend our understanding of the VM architecture. This is also the most crucial phase for understanding what functionality is actually offered by the VM -- without this information, we can't write a disassembler, as we won't know what any of the instructions actually do.
  • VM continuation and/or exit. After an instruction has executed, it might be necessary to execute the next instruction sequentially within the VM bytecode stream. Or, it might be necessary to branch to another location within the VM due to a conditional or unconditional jump (which may be relatively addressed, or absolutely addressed). Or, if the VM implements function calls, we might have to save a return address (or something else that enables continuation of execution) somewhere before branching. Finally, all VMs have the ability to stop executing them and switch back to normal x86 execution. Analysis of this phases stresses understanding of the VM instruction pointer and addressing mode, as well as providing insight into how the VM communicates with x86 code outside of the VM. Re-entry after a VM exit is usually particularly interesting.

4. The FinSpy VM

The FinSpy VM follows the archetype just presented fairly closely. The entire VM Context structure can be seen here.

  • The FinSpy VM context structure contains only one dedicated register, used to virtualize 32-bit memory operands within certain x86 instructions.
  • The FinSpy VM does not copy the x86 state -- the registers and flags at the time of VM entry -- into the VM context structure. Instead, it saves these onto the host x86 stack, saves the value of the ESP register into the context structure, and when it needs to use or modify a register, it indexes the saved ESP value to read or write the register value.
  • The FinSpy VM has a stack area, and it points the host ESP value to this stack area upon entering the VM. I.e. any x86 instruction such as "push eax" executed as part of one of the VM instruction handlers will modify the stack data area within the VM, as opposed to the x86 stack as it exists outside the VM.
  • The FinSpy VM also has a specialized stack that it uses for dynamic code generation. About 50% of the instructions in the VM bytecode program for this sample result in x86 machine code being generated on the fly and executed. This is unusual as far as virtualization obfuscators go, and will be discussed more subsequently.

4.1 Pre-Initialization and Initialization

The FinSpy VM is designed to allow multiple threads to utilize the VM at the same time. In fact, the FinSpy VM maintains a global array of pointers, one per thread ID, each one pointing to a VM Context structure for that particular thread. Upon entering the VM, FinSpy checks to see whether a VM Context structure has already been allocated for that thread. If not, it allocates a new one and initializes it.
Namely, if a thread did not already have a VM Context structure allocated within the global array, the pre-initialization phase allocates one, and the two initialization phases fill in values within the VM Context structure:

  • Stores the module's image base into the VM Context structure.
  • Initializes the x86 stack area-pointer to point to the last DWORD within the x86 stack area.
  • Copies the host ESP value into the VM Context structure. Since the initialization phase pushes the flags and the registers onto the stack, VM instructions can access the values of saved registers and flags by indexing off of this saved ESP value.
  • Sets the x86 ESP register to point to the current bottom of the VM x86 stack region.
  • Initializes the dynamic code stack pointer to point to the beginning of that region. (The dynamic code stack grows upwards, unlike the x86 general stack, which grows downward.)
  • Installs five function pointers within the context structure that the VM instructions use to transfer control to other VM instructions. Some of these function pointers just continue executing the next instruction; some of them implement conditional and unconditional jumps; and one of them is used to return after a VM function that was called has finished executing. The use of so many function pointers for VM continuation is another unusual feature of FinSpy.
  • Checks to see whether the VM bytecode program stored in the binary is compressed, and if so, whether it has already been decompressed. If not, it decompresses the VM bytecode program and caches the results.
  • Uses the DWORD pushed before entering the VM to locate the VM instruction within the decompressed VM bytecode program that should execute first, and stores the pointer to the instruction as the VM EIP.

4.2 VM Instruction Encoding

The VM bytecode program is stored as a blob at the end of the program's .text section. The blob may be compressed with the APLib compression library, in which case the instructions are decompressed during pre-initialization. The VM instruction structure has a fixed size: namely, 0x18 bytes. This makes it easy to calculate the subsequent VM instruction, in case the instruction does not involve a control flow transfer: just add 0x18 to the VM instruction pointer.

After decompression, the VM bytecode instructions are still encrypted. There is a fixed XOR key within the .text section, which can change on a per-sample basis. Upon executing an instruction, the FinSpy VM instruction fetch portion copies an 0x18-byte instruction from VM EIP into the VM Context structure, and then XORs each DWORD with the fixed key. (The first DWORD is skipped by this XOR process, as it contains the instruction's key.)
The first 8 bytes of each instruction type has the same layout, while the last 0x10 bytes contains the VM instruction operands, and the format differs depending upon which category the instruction falls into.

struct VMInstruction
  DWORD Key;
  BYTE Opcode;
  BYTE DataLength;
  BYTE RVAPosition1;
  BYTE RVAPosition2;
  BYTE Data[16];

The fields serve the following purposes:            

  • DWORD Key: Each instruction is associated with a 32-bit "key". The VM can look up instructions by key, as it does to locate the first instruction before the VM begins executing (the caller pushes a key on the stack before jumping to the VM entrypoint). The VM instruction set includes function calls, and function call targets can be specified by key.
  • BYTE Opcode: This byte is in the range of 0x00 to 0x21, and specifies one of the 34 VM instruction opcode types.
  • BYTE DataLength: Some instructions hold variable-length data in their operand region; this field describes the length of that data.
  • BYTE RVAPosition1 and BYTE RVAPosition2: Some instructions specify locations within the x86 binary. Since the binary's base address may change when loaded as a module by the operating system, these locations may need to be recomputed to reflect the new base address. FinSpy VM side-steps this issue by specifying the locations within the binary as relative virtual addresses (RVAs), and then adding the base address to the RVA to obtain the actual virtual addresses within the executing module. If either of these bytes is not zero, the FinSpy VM treats it as an index into the instruction's data area at which 32-bit RVAs are stored, and fixes the RVA up by adding the base address to the RVA.
  • BYTE Data[16]: The instruction's operands, if it has any, are stored here. Each instruction may interpret the contents of this array differently.

4.3 VM Instruction Set

The 34 instructions fall into three groups.

4.3.1 Group #1: Conditional and Unconditional Jumps. 

FinSpy virtualizes all of the standard conditional jump instructions from X86, i.e. JZ, JNZ, JB, JO, JNP, etc. There are 17 of these VM opcodes in total, including the unconditional jump. These VM instructions are implementing by checking the respective conditions in the EFLAGS DWORD saved at the bottom of the host stack. I.e., ZF is stored in bit 0x40 within EFLAGS; the JZ VM instruction's implementation checks this bit within the saved EFLAGS, and either falls through to the next VM instruction if ZF is not set, or branches to a different instruction if it is set.

Technically, the implementations for the conditional branch instructions allow the branch target to be specified two different ways. The first is as a displacement off of VM EIP, in which case the next VM EIP is calculated by VMEIP + Displacement (with the displacement stored at &Data[1]). The second method, if the displacement at &Data[1] was 0, is to use the DWORD at &Data[5] as a raw X86 location specified as an RVA (i.e., something other than a VM instruction, causing a VM exit). However, in practice, no VM bytecode instructions within this sample used the latter method.

The VM's unconditional jump instruction is implemented in a slightly more obscure fashion involving dynamic code generation. It technically also allows the branch target to be specified as either a relative displacement against VM EIP or an x86 RVA, and in practice, only the former method was used.

4.3.2 Group #2: Operations on the Dedicated Register

As mentioned previously, the VM has one dedicated register, which we shall call "scratch". The second group of VM instructions involves this register. None of these instructions have unusual control flow; they all transfer control to the physically next instruction after the current VM EIP. Here are those instructions and their operands:

  • mov scratch, 0
  • mov scratch, imm32 [Operand: imm32 at &Data[0]]
  • shl scratch, imm32 [Operand: imm32 at &Data[0]]
  • add scratch, imm32 [Operand: imm32 at &Data[0]]
  • mov scratch, savedReg32 [Operand: index of savedReg32 at &Data[0]]
  • add scratch, savedReg32 [Operand: index of savedReg32 at &Data[0]]
  • mov savedReg32, scratch [Operand: index of savedReg32 at &Data[0]]
  • mov dword ptr [scratch], savedReg32 [Operand: index of savedReg32 at &Data[0]]
  • mov scratch, dword ptr [scratch]
  • mov dword ptr [scratch], imm32 [Operand: imm32 at &Data[0]]
  • mov dword ptr [imm32], scratch [Operand: imm32 at &Data[0]]
  • push scratch

As mentioned, the scratch register is used to virtualize 32-bit x86 memory operands. Here is an example (from the VM bytecode disassembly) of how the instruction "lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+eax*2+0FFFFFDE4h]" is translated into VM instructions:

0x035d78: MOV SCRATCH, 0
0x035d90: MOV SCRATCH, EAX          ; scratch := EAX
0x035da8: SHL SCRATCH, 0x000001     ; scratch := EAX*2
0x035dc0: ADD SCRATCH, EBP          ; scratch := EBP+EAX*2
0x035dd8: ADD SCRATCH, 0xfffffde4   ; scratch := EBP+EAX*2+0FFFFFDE4h
0x035df0: MOV EAX, SCRATCH          ; EAX := EBP+EAX*2+0FFFFFDE4h

4.3.3 Group #3: X86-Related Instructions

Perhaps the only interesting feature of the FinSpy VM is how it handles non-virtualized x86 instructions. Every x86-virtualizing software protection needs a mechanism to execute non-virtualized instructions. Quite often this is implemented by exiting the VM, executing the non-virtualized x86 instruction stored somewhere in one of the program's executable sections, and then transferring control back into the VM. The FinSpy VM takes the approach of including instructions within its instruction set that contain raw machine code for X86 instructions, which are copied into RWX memory and executed on demand as the VM executes. This is somewhat more stealthy than the approach just described, since in that approach, the unencrypted x86 instructions must appear literally somewhere within the binary. For the FinSpy VM, since the VM instructions are encrypted, this allows the non-virtualized x86 instructions to remain encrypted most of the time.

There are four instructions in this group, although two of them are instruction-for-instruction identical to one another. Also, this is the only group of instructions to make use of the "pDynamicCodeStack" member of the VMContext structure. This point emphasizes how the VM context structure and VM instructions are intertwined and cannot be understood in isolation from one another.

Raw X86

The simplest of these instructions simply executes one non-control-flow x86 instruction. It generates the following sequence of code on the dynamic code stack, and then executes it:

9D             popf
61             popa
??    ...   ?? [raw X86 machine code copied from VM instruction's data at &Data[0]]
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push offset fpVMReEntryStateInRegs
C3             ret

I.e., this sequence restores the saved flags and registers, then executes a single x86 instruction copied out of the VM instruction's data area, and then re-enters the VM at the initialization sequence.

X86 Callout, Direct Address

This instruction is used to virtualize call instructions to fixed targets. I.e., "call sub_1234" will be implemented via this VM instruction, where "call eax" will not. It generates a sequence of code on the dynamic code generation stack, adds 0x30 to the dynamic code generation stack pointer, and then executes the code it generated:

9D             popf
61             popa
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push offset @RESUME
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push (Data[4]+ImageBase)
C3             ret
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push offset NextVMInstruction
60             pusha
9C             pushf
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push offset VMContext
5B             pop ebx
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push offset fpVMReEntryReturn
C3             ret

This sequence begins as before by restoring the saved flags and registers. Next, it pushes the address of some subsequently-generated code, which is used as the return address for the function. Next, it pushes an address within the .text section, fixed up from an RVA into a VA by adding the base address, and then returns. These three instructions together simulate a direct call instruction.
The location labeled @RESUME -- the return location for the called function -- begins by pushing the address of the following VM instruction. (This is computed by adding 0x18 -- sizeof(VMInstruction) -- to the current VM instruction pointer from within the VM Context structure). Next it saves the registers and the flags, sets EBX to the pointer to the VM Context structure for this thread, and then re-enters the VM at a special entrypoint. This special entrypoint sets VM EIP to the value just pushed on the stack before entering the ordinary initialization phase, and subtracts 0x30 from the dynamic code generation stack pointer.
Note that I have been referring to the "dynamic code generation stack", with emphasis on the "stack" aspect. The first X86-type VM instruction did not need to make use of the "stack" aspect, since it was only used to virtualize instructions without control flow. The VM instruction that we are currently discussing does need to utilize the stack features, because if a VM instruction executed by the called function made use of the dynamic code generation feature, and generated code at the same location as the code we've just generated, it would overwrite the sequence of code used for the function's return. Hence, after writing the dynamic code just discussed onto the dynamic code generation stack, it must also increase the stack so as to prevent these kinds of overwrites. In concert, the special VM re-entry location for returns must decrement the dynamic code generation stack pointer.

X86 Callout, Indirect Address

The final X86-related VM instruction is rather similar to the one we just discussed, except it is used to virtualize indirect call instructions, i.e., calls where the destination is not known at the time of virtualization. I.e., an instruction like "call eax" would be virtualized by this VM instruction. It generates the following code on the dynamic code generation stack, increments the dynamic code generation stack pointer, and executes it:

9D             popf
61             popa
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push offset @RESUME
??    ...   ?? [raw X86 machine code copied from VM instruction's data at &Data[4]]
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push offset NextVMInstruction
60             pusha
9C             pushf
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push offset VMContext
5B             pop ebx
68 ?? ?? ?? ?? push offset fpVMReEntryReturn
C3             ret

The generated code is nearly identical to the one from the previous instruction, and so not much commentary is needed. The only difference lies in what happens after pushing the return address for the call. The previous VM instruction type pushed an address in the .text section onto the stack, and returned to it; this VM instruction, in contrast, executes a raw x86 instruction copied out of the VM bytecode instruction's data region.

5. Disassembling FinSpy VM Programs

Now we have everything we need to write a disassembler for this sample. We know what each VM instruction does, and how each encodes its operands -- and this information is not necessarily specific to this particular sample; it can potentially be used across many samples. 

There are a number of elements that might easily vary between samples; we know them for this particular sample, at least.

  • We have obtained the raw contents of the VM bytecode program for this sample.
  • We know the XOR key used to decrypt the instructions.
  • We know which opcode corresponds to which VM instruction for this sample.

Since I only had one sample to work with, I chose to hard-code all of these elements in my disassembler. I.e., for any other samples, you will need to determine the three pieces of information just described. This is how I generally approach deobfuscation projects: I start with one sample and write code to break it. Then, I obtain another sample, and determine what needs to change to adapt my previous code to the new sample. If this reveals any sample-specific information, then I need to devise a procedure for extracting the information from a given sample. I repeat this process until my tool can break any sample from the given family.

5.1 Disassembler Architecture

I decided to write my FinSpy VM disassembler in Python, since I figured I might need to make use of my x86 library (the most maintained version of which is also written in Python). You can find the FinSpy VM disassembler here. At several points along the way I wished I'd chosen OCaml, since OCaml is very well-suited to writing programs that manipulate other programs, and has strong type-checking to prevent common errors. In fact I even originally wrote functions to output the disassembled instructions as OCaml datatypes, but I abandoned this idea after I contemplated interoperating between Python and OCaml.

First, I wrote a function to read VM instructions, i.e. 0x18-byte chunks, from the user-specified VM bytecode program binary, and to XOR them with the sample-specific XOR value.

Next, I designed a class hierarchy to represent VM instructions. Since each instruction has a fixed-length encoding of 0x18 bytes, and the first 8 bytes are treated the same by each, it made sense to make a GenericInsn class to handle the common functionality. That class implements a function called Init which takes the decrypted byte array and the position of the instruction within the file, and decodes the common elements in the first 8 bytes.

From there, I derived a few other abstract classes from GenericInsn, to handle families of instructions whose operands were encoded identically. Those classes contain common functions invoked by the constructor to decode the instruction operands, as well as some common functions to assist in printing. These classes are:

  • ConditionalBranch, for the 17 branching instructions
  • StackDisp32, for some of the dedicated register instructions
  • StackDisp8, for other dedicated register instructions
  • Imm32, for other dedicated register instructions

Finally, I derived classes for each of the VM instruction types from the classes just mentioned. Those classes invoke the decoding routines from their base classes in their constructors, and provide support for printing the instructions as strings. Not much is noteworthy about printing the instructions, except that when the dedicated register instructions reference x86 registers by numeric index, I emit the name of the register instead of the index. Also for instruction types with embedded x86 machine code, I invoke my disassembler library to print the machine code as human-readable x86 assembly language.

The last piece was to devise a mechanism for creating the correct Python object for a given decrypted instruction encoded as an 0x18-byte array. For this, I created a dictionary mapping the opcode byte to an enumeration element specifying which VM instruction it represented. Then, I created a dictionary mapping those enumeration elements to lambda functions that constructed the correct object type.

Finally I combined the Python object-creation mechanism just described with the raw instruction reading mechanism from the beginning, resulting in a generator that yielded Python instructions. From there, disassembling the program is simply a matter of printing the instruction objects:

for x in insn_objects_from_file("Tmp/dec.bin"):
    print x

You can see the complete disassembly for this sample's VM bytecode program here.

Part Two: Low-Level Analysis Details

6. Analysis of FinSpy VM Pre-Initialization

Here is a link to the assembly language for the pre-initialization phase, as well as a rough decompilation of that code. We will reproduce snippets of code from the decompilation in explaining how it operates. Feel free to open up the binary and follow along at the instructions shown in the first link showing the assembly language.

6.1 Saving the Host Registers and Flags

The first thing that any VM does upon entry is to save the contents of the registers and the flags. FinSpy VM is no different:

.text:00401BF6  push    eax ; PUSHFD sequence, in order
.text:00401D5C  push    ecx
.text:004019D2  push    edx
.text:004020A4  push    ebx
.text:00401CEC  push    ebx ; EBX in place of ESP
.text:00401DA7  push    ebp
.text:00401F41  push    esi
.text:00401EFF  push    edi
.text:00401E9D  pushf

6.2 A Word on Position-Independent Code (PIC)

Like many obfuscated programs (and some non-obfuscated ones), the x86 implementation of the FinSpy VM uses position-independent code (PIC). PIC is employed in non-obfuscated contexts to reduce the number of pointers within the program that require relocation should the imagebase change. PIC is employed in obfuscated contexts for the same reason, as well as to obscure which addresses are actually being accessed by a particular memory operation. The next two instructions establish EBP as a PIC base:

.text:00401F60  call    $+5 ; Establish position-independent code (PIC) base
.text:00401F65  pop     ebp ; EBP = 00401F65

Any subsequent memory reference involving EBP (before EBP is subsequently modified) will be computed relative to the address shown. For example:

.text:004020D7  mov     eax, [ebp+0D75h] ; == [401F65h+0D75h] == [402CDAh]
.text:00402CDA  dd 0C4CDh ; <- this is the referenced address and its contents

6.3 Allocating the Global Per-Thread VM Context Structure Array

The FinSpy VM is architected in such a way where multiple threads can execute VM code at the same time. As a result, each thread must have its own VM context structure, and not much of the VM state can be held in global data items. FinSpy handles this by allocating a global array that holds pointers to each thread's VM context structure, where each pointer is initially NULL.

The first thing the pre-initialization function does is to check a global pointer to see whether we have already allocated the thread-specific array, and if not, allocate it. The following code snippets from the decompilation illustrate:

DWORD *  gp_VMContext_Thread_Array = NULL;
DWORD **gpp_VMContext_Thread_Array = &gp_VMContext_Thread_Array;

DWORD *GetVMContextThreadArray()
  return *gpp_VMContext_Thread_Array;

void SetVMContextThreadArray(DWORD *pNew)
  *gpp_VMContext_Thread_Array = pNew;

void VMPreInitialize(DWORD encodedVMEip)
  if(GetVMContextThreadArray() == NULL)

6.4 Allocating Thread-Specific VM Context Structures

After the previous step, FinSpy knows the global array of VM Context structure pointers has been allocated, so it queries whether a VM Context structure has been allocated for the thread in which it is currently executing. It uses the current thread ID, shifted right by 2 to mask off the low 2 bits, as an index into the array. If not already allocated, it must then allocate a context structure for the current thread.

DWORD GetThreadIdx()
  // If we're executing in user-mode...
  if(g_Mode != X86_KERNELMODE)
    return GetCurrentThreadId() >> 2;
  // Kernel-mode code has not been decompiled here: it relies upon an RVA
  // that has been set to 0 in my sample, so can't be analyzed

// ... Continuing inside of void VMPreInitialize(DWORD encodedVMEip) ...
DWORD *dwGlobal   = GetVMContextThreadArray();
DWORD dwThreadIdx = GetThreadIdx();
VMContext *thContext = dwGlobal[dwThreadIdx];
if(thContext == NULL)
  thContext = Allocate(0x10000);
  dwGlobal[dwThreadIdx] = thContext;

6.5 Pre-Initializing Thread-Specific VM Context Structures

If the VM Context structure for the current thread was not already allocated in the previous step, FinSpy performs some preliminary initialization of the VM context structure. This is the first point in the code that we begin to understand the layout of the VM Context structure, whose full layout is shown here.

// Base address for currently-running executable
thContext->dwBaseAddress = g_BaseAddress;

// Last DWORD in VM Context structure
thContext->dwEnd = (DWORD)thContext + 0xFFFC;

// Initialize pointer to data section
thContext->pData = &thContext->Data[1];

While analyzing this and subsequent code, the assembly language contained many structure references such as the following:

.text:00401B19  mov     ecx, [ebp+0D79h] ; ecx = .text:00402CDE     BASE_ADDRESS dd 400000h
.text:00401FA9  mov     [ebx+28h], ecx   ; <- structure reference: field_28
.text:00401A2F  mov     eax, ebx
.text:00401BCC  add     eax, 0FFFCh
.text:00401AAD  mov     [ebx+4], eax     ; <- structure reference: field_4
.text:00401EC2  lea     eax, [ebx+50h]   ; <- structure reference: field_50
.text:00401C56  add     eax, 4
.text:00401998  mov     [ebx+50h], eax   ; <- structure reference: field_50

I knew that I would later need to know where and how these structure fields had been initialized, so I opened up a new window in my text editor and took notes on each structure field access. Later I turned those notes into an actual structure in IDA. The full notes can be found here. Here were there notes I took for the fields referenced in the assembly snippet above:

  • field_4:  00401AAD: pointer to last DWORD in this structure (0xFFFC offset)
  • field_28: 00401FA9: dwBaseAddress
  • field_50: 00401998: initialized to address of field_54

6.6 Results of Analyzing the Decompression Code

FinSpy keeps its VM instructions in a large array of VMInstruction structures. This array may be compressed, in which case, the first time the next phase of pre-initialization executes, the instructions will be decompressed. Subsequent thread-specific pre-initializations of VM Context structures need not decompress the instructions after they have been decompressed for the first time.

// If dwInstructionsDecompressedSize was 0, then the instructions aren't
// compressed, so just copy the raw pointer to the instructions to the
// pointer to the decompressed instructions
if(dwInstructionsDecompressedSize == 0)
  *dwInstructionsDecompressed = *dwInstructionsCompressed;

// If the decompressed size is not zero, this signifies that the
// instructions are compressed. Allocate that much memory, decompress the
// instruction data there, and then cache the decompression result
  // If we've already decompressed the instructions, don't do it again
  if(*dwInstructionsDecompressed == NULL)
    // Allocate RWX memory for the obfuscated, encrypted APLib decompression
    // code
    void *pDecompressionStub = Allocate(dwDecompressionStubSize);
    memcpy(pDecompressionStub, dwDecompressionStubSize, &x86DecompressionStub);
    // Decrypt the decompression code (which is still obfuscated)
    XorDecrypt(pDecompressionStub, dwDecompressionStubSize, dwXorKey);
    // Allocate memory for decompressed instructions; decompress
    VMInstructions *pDecInsns = Allocate(dwInstructionsDecompressedSize);
    fpDecompress Decompress = (fpDecompress)pDecompressionStub;
    Decompress(*dwInstructionsCompressed, pDecInsns);
    // Update global pointer to hold decompressed instructions
    *dwInstructionsDecompressed = pDecInsns;
// Store the pointer to decompressed instructions in the context structure
thContext->pInstructions = *dwInstructionsDecompressed;

// Locate the first instruction by encoded VM EIP
thContext->pCurrInsn = FindInstructionByKey(thContext, encodedVMEip);

6.7 Process of Analyzing the Decompression Code

This section describes how the results in the previous section were obtained. After the previous phases of pre-initialization, I observed FinSpy decrypting some obfuscated code stored within its .text section, and then executing it. Seeing it for the first time, I didn't know what the decrypted code did; it turned out to be responsible responsible for decompressing the VM bytecode program. Here's how I figured that out.

For extra stealth, the decompression code is itself encrypted via XOR, and is also obfuscated using the same conditional jump-pair technique seen in the previous entry. When analyzing this part of pre-initialization for the first time, I first noticed it allocating a small amount of RWX memory, copying data from the .text section, and decrypting it:

.text:004020D7  mov     eax, [ebp+0D75h] ; eax = .text:00402CDA  dd 0C4CDh
.text:00401E1A  add     eax, [ebp+0D79h] ; eax = 0C4CDh + .text:00402CDE BASE_ADDRESS dd 400000h
                                         ; i.e. eax contains 0x40C4CD, an address in .text
.text:00401A1F  push    eax              ; eax = 0x40C4CD
.text:00401CDE  push    ecx              ; ecx = .text:00402CD6 dd 60798h
.text:00401E8A  mov     eax, [ebp+0D6Dh] ; eax = .text:00402CD2 dd 67Dh

.text:00401B94  push    eax
.text:00401B95  call    ALLOCATE_MEMORY  ; Allocate 0x67D bytes of RWX memory
.text:00401B9A  mov     edi, eax
.text:00401C18  push    edi              ; Save address of allocated memory
.text:00401D45  mov     esi, [ebp+0D61h] ; esi = .text:00402CC6 dd offset dword_40BE50

.text:00401CA5  cld                      ; Clear direction flag for rep movsb below
.text:00401FF9  mov     ecx, [ebp+0D6Dh] ; .text:00402CD2 dd 67Dh

.text:00401E54  push    ecx              
.text:00402064  rep movsb                ; Copy 0x67D bytes from dword_40BE50 to allocated RWX memory
.text:00401E41  pop     ecx              ; Restore ecx = 60798h
.text:00401A86  pop     edi              ; Restore edi = address of allocated region
.text:00401C2C  mov     eax, [ebp+0D7Dh] ; .text:00402CE2 XOR_VALUE dd 2AAD591Dh

.text:00401D7C  push    eax              ; eax = value to XOR against allocated memory
.text:00401D7D  push    ecx              ; ecx = size of allocated region
.text:00401D7E  push    edi              ; edi = beginning of allocated region
.text:00401D7F  call    loc_40250B       ; XOR_DWORD_ARRAY: XOR DWORDs starting at edi+4, to edi+(ecx>>2)

Seeing the code being decrypted, I wrote a small IDC script that replicated the action of the function at loc_40250B, a/k/a XOR_DWORD_ARRAY. It can be found here and is reproduced here for ease of presentation.

static DecryptXOR(encAddr, encLen, xorVal)
  auto encNum;
  auto cursor;
  auto i;

  // Skip first DWORD
  cursor = encAddr + 4;
  encNum = (encLen - 4) >> 2;
  for(i = 0; i < encNum; i = i + 1)
    cursor = cursor + 4;

And then I invoked it to decrypt the region of code being referenced in the snippet above: DecryptXor(0x40BE50, 0x67D, 0x2AAD591D).

Continuing to follow the assembly code where the last snippet left off, we see:

.text:00401CB9  pop     ecx              ; Restore ecx = .text:00402CD6 dd 60798h
.text:00402046  pop     eax              ; Restore eax = 0x40C4CD
.text:00401F79  mov     esi, eax         ; esi = 0x40C4CD
.text:00401FBE  push    ecx              ; Allocate 60798h bytes of memory
.text:00401FBF  call    ALLOCATE_MEMORY
.text:00401FC4  mov     edx, edi         ; edx = 0x67D-byte region of RWX memory, decrypted previously
.text:00401AD6  mov     edi, eax         ; edi = 60798h bytes of memory just allocated
.text:00401A4C  push    edi              ; Second argument = edi (60798h-byte region)
.text:00401A4D  push    esi              ; First argument = 0x40C4CD
.text:00401A4E  call    edx              ; Execute decrypted code in smaller region

Now I knew the decrypted region contained code copied from 0x40C4CD, so I began to analyze it. It was obfuscated with the same conditional jump-pairs as we saw in part one. As somebody who has been reverse engineering malware for 15 years, though is somewhat rusty due to different focuses lately, I immediately experienced a sense of deja vu. I knew I'd seen the following function a million times before:

.text:0040C320     add     dl, dl
.text:0040C1E6     jnz     short @@RETURN
.text:0040BF24     mov     dl, [esi]        
.text:0040C01F     inc     esi    
.text:0040C100     adc     dl, dl    
.text:0040BFE8     retn    

Specifically, the "adc dl, dl" instruction jumped out at me. Were I more regularly engaged in malware analysis, I would have immediately recognized this as part of the APLib decompression code. Instead, I wound up searching Google with queries like 'x86 decompression "adc dl, dl"'. Eventually my queries led me to other malware analysis write-ups which identified APLib as the culprit decompression library.

Once I recognized that the code I'd decrypted probably implemented APLib, I decided to try to unpack it and see what happened. If I'd gotten gibberish as a result, I may have needed to dive deeper into the code to see whether it had implemented any custom modifications. Such is a bane of static reverse engineering -- had I been dynamically analyzing this code, I could have merely dumped it out of memory.

I began by using an IDC one-liner to dump the compressed blob out of memory: savefile(fopen("e:\\work\\Malware\\blah.bin", "wb"), 0, 0x40C4CD, 0x60798); If you want the compressed blob, you can find it here.

Now that I knew I had an APLib-compressed blob, I needed to decrypt it. First I went to the APLib website and downloaded the APLib package. Next I simply tried to invoke the stand-alone decompression tool on my blob, but it failed with a non-descriptive error message. I began reading the source code and tracing the decompression tool in a debugger, and realized that the failure arose from APLib expecting a header before the encrypted blob. Fair enough. I set about re-creating a header for my data, but failing to do so within 20 minutes and becoming impatient, I started looking for another way.

I came across the open-source Kabopan project which purported to offer "a python library of various encryption and compression algorithms, cleanly re-implemented from scratch." After a few minutes reading the examples, I wrote a small script which did the trick:

from kbp.comp.aplib import decompress

with open("compressed.bin", "rb") as g:
    dec,decSize = decompress(
    print decSize
with open("decompressed.bin", "wb") as f:

Kabopan didn't complain, and my script printed the expected decompressed size, so for all I knew, it had worked. The decompressed result can be found here. I loaded the decompressed binary into IDA, not knowing what to expect. The data had some regularly-recurring patterns in it, but its format was still unknown to me at this point. I would later analyze it more fully.

7. Analysis of FinSpy VM Initialization

This section resumes immediately after the pre-initialization phase from the last section. The assembly language for the initialization phase is shown here; feel free to follow along. For clarity of exposition, most of the following shall use the decompilation, shown in full here. To summarize the last section, FinSpy VM's pre-initialization phase is clearly denoted by two attempts to access previously-allocated structures. If the structures aren't present, it performs the allocation and pre-initialization phases as described in the previous section. If they are present, it skips those phases and branches directly to the initialization phase, mocked up in pseudocode as such:

// From pre-initialization phase, shown previously
// Try to get the global VM Context * array
if(GetVMContextThreadArray() == NULL)

// Once allocated, retrieve the global pointer
DWORD *dwGlobal   = GetVMContextThreadArray();

// Try to get the per-thread VMContext *
DWORD dwThreadIdx = GetThreadIdx();
VMContext *thContext = dwGlobal[dwThreadIdx];
if(thContext == NULL)
  // We detailed this phase in the previous section:
  // Allocate and pre-initialize the VMContext * if not present

// Beginning of initialization phase
// Once allocated, retrieve the thread-specific pointer
DWORD *dwGlobal   = GetVMContextThreadArray();
DWORD dwThreadIdx = GetThreadIdx();
VMContext *thContext = dwGlobal[dwThreadIdx];

// ... execution resumes here after both pointers are allocated ...

7.1 Initializing VM Function Pointers

Most of the initialization phase computes the value of function pointers using a position-independent code idiom. Subsequent analysis clarified the purpose of these function pointers, which were somewhat difficult to understand in isolation. They will be explained in a subsequent section, in a more natural context (section 9).

Like the the pre-initialization code, this section contains many structure references. I continued to update my document describing what I knew about each structure reference. Again, those notes can be found here

thContext->pPICBase = (void *)0x00402131;

// Points to the vm_initialize label above
thContext->fpFastReEntry = (fpReEntryNoState)0x0040247C;
thContext->fpLookupInstruction = &FindInstructionByKey;

if(g_Mode != X86_KERNELMODE)
  thContext->fpEnterFunctionPointer = (fpReEntryHasState)0x00402B92;
  thContext->fpEnterFunctionPointer = (fpReEntryHasState)0x00402BC6;

thContext->fpExecuteVMInstruction = (fpReEnterToInstruction)0x00402C39;
thContext->fpRelativeJump = (fpReEntryHasState)0x00402B74;
thContext->fpNext = (fpReEntryHasState)0x00402B68;

One thing I did notice quickly was that the "fpFastReEntry" function pointer pointed to the VM initialization code. Recalling the diagram from section 3.2 showing generic VM organization, note that VM instructions need to locate the instruction fetch/decode code within the VM entrypoint. I guessed that the code at that location might serve that purpose; that was mostly correct (actually some initialization is performed before instruction fetch, namely the initialization shown in the pseudocode above).

7.2 Host <=> VM State Transfer

After installing the function pointers as per the previous section, the VM then saved the host's ESP into the VM context structure, twice, and then set the host's ESP to a point near the end of the VM context structure. Hence it was clear that the VM state included a stack, physically located at the end of the context structure.

thContext->pSavedEsp1 = ESP;
thContext->pSavedEsp2 = ESP;
ESP = thContext->pDataEnd;

8. Analysis of FinSpy VM Instruction Fetch, Decode, and Dispatch

At this point in the analysis, I was still hazy about many of the VM Context structure entries, though fortunately the notes I'd taken allowed me to efficiently piece things together. The subsequent code dealt with loading instructions from the decompressed memory region, optionally transforming them, and then transferring control to the relevant x86 code responsible for implementing them.

8.1 FinSpy VM Instruction Fetch

The pseudocode decompilation for the instruction fetch phase can be found here, and the commented assembly listing can be found here.

After initializing the context structure, the FinSpy VM then makes use of some fields we've already analyzed. Thanks to the ongoing notes I'd taken, it was easy to understand what was happening. Recall these two statements from the pre-initialization phase when decompressing the instructions:

thContext->pInstructions = *dwInstructionsDecompressed;
thContext->pCurrInsn = FindInstructionByKey(thContext, encodedVMEip);

I.e. the pCurrInsn member of the VM Context structure already contains a pointer somewhere within the pInstructions data blob. Returning to the present, the next part of the FinSpy VM entrypoint makes use of these fields:

VMInstruction *Fetch(VMContext *thContext)
  memcpy(&thContext->Instruction,thContext->pCurrInsn, sizeof(VMInstruction));
  XorDecrypt(&thContext->Instruction, sizeof(VMInstruction), dwXorKey);
  return &thContext->Instruction;

From here we learn the size of each entry in the Instruction structure member -- namely, 0x18 -- and we also see that the instructions are decrypted using the same function we saw previously to decrypt the decompression code. We will return to talk more about these points in Section 8.4.

Note again the following line from pre-initialization:

thContext->pCurrInsn = FindInstructionByKey(thContext, encodedVMEip);

To refresh your memory from part one, each VM entrypoint pushed a value onto the stack before transferring control to the VM entrypoint. An example is reproduced from part one:

.text:004065A4     push    5A403Dh                  ; <- encodedVMEip
.text:004065A9     push    ecx                      ; 
.text:004065AA     sub     ecx, ecx                 ; 
.text:004065AC     pop     ecx                      ; 
.text:004065AD     jz      loc_401950               ; VM entrypoint

This "encodedVMEip" parameter is used to look up the first VM instruction that should be executed beginning at that VM entrypoint. Namely, the FindInstructionByKey function takes the encodedVMEip parameter, iterates through the decompressed instructions, and tries to find one whose first DWORD matches that value:

VMInstruction *FindInstructionByKey(VMContext *vmc, DWORD Key)
  VMInstruction *insns = vmc->pInstructions;
  while(insns->Key != Key)
  return insns;

So we have learned that:

  • Each VM instruction is associated with a key.
  • The key is the first element in the VM instruction structure.
  • The VM may look up instructions by their keys.

8.2 FinSpy VM Instruction Decode

The pseudocode decompilation for the instruction decode phase can be found here, and the commented assembly listing can be found here.

After copying an instruction out of the global instructions array and decrypting it, the VM entrypoint then calls a function that will optionally fix-up DWORDs within the instructions by adding the current module's imagebase to them. This functionality allows the instructions to reference addresses within the module's image without having to care where the module is loaded. This functionality effectively performs the same job as the operating system's loader.

void Decode(VMContext *thContext)
  VMInstruction *ins = &thContext->Instruction;
    *(DWORD *)&ins->Data[ins->Fixup1 & 0x7F] += thContext->dwImageBase;
    *(DWORD *)&ins->Data[ins->Fixup2 & 0x7F] += thContext->dwImageBase;

8.3 FinSpy VM Instruction Dispatch

The pseudocode decompilation for the instruction dispatch phase can be found here, and the commented assembly listing can be found here.

Finally, after the instructions have been decrypted and optionally fixed up, the VM then transfers control to the x86 code that implements the instruction. In decompilation:

// Locate the handler table in the .text section
fpInstruction *handlers = (fpInstruction *)vmc->pPICBase + 0x9AF;
// Invoke the relevant function in the handler table

In x86:

.text:00402311  movzx   ecx, byte ptr [ebx+3Ch] ; Fetch the opcode byte
.text:0040248D  mov     eax, [ebx+24h]          ; Grab the PIC base
.text:004023FC  add     eax, 9AFh               ; Locate the VM handler table
.text:0040218C  jmp     dword ptr [eax+ecx*4]   ; Transfer control to the opcode handler

8.4 A Cursory Look at the VM Bytecode

In this chapter on instruction fetch / decode / dispatch, we learned that the instructions are 0x18-bytes apiece, and that each instruction is encrypted via a DWORD-level XOR. Since I'd previously decompressed the instruction blob, I could now decrypt it and take a look. I used the same script I had previously written during my analysis of the pre-initialization decompression code, linked again for convenience. I just wrote a script to call that function in a loop, and executed it within the IDB for the decompressed blob:

auto i;
for(i = 0; i < 0x00060797; i = i + 0x18)
  DecryptXOR(i, 0x18, 0x2AAD591D);

After running that script, the data format was still mostly unknown. The data was mostly zeroes, but clearly very structured. Since I have written an x86 disassembler before, some of the non-zero data jumped out at me as looking plausibly like x86 machine code. I turned a few of them into code and IDA confirmed:

seg000:00000078   dd 5A1461h
seg000:0000007C   db 1Bh ; VM opcode: 0x1B
seg000:0000007D   db 6   ; x86 instruction length
seg000:0000007E   db 0   ; fixup1 location
seg000:0000007F   db 0   ; fixup2 location
seg000:00000080 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:00000080   mov     dword ptr [eax], 1D7h
seg000:00000080 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:00000086   db 0Ah dup(0)

seg000:00000090   dd 5A1468h
seg000:00000094   db 1Bh ; VM opcode: 0x1B       
seg000:00000095   db 5   ; x86 instruction length
seg000:00000096   db 1   ; fixup1 location       
seg000:00000097   db 0   ; fixup2 location       
seg000:00000098 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:00000098   mov     eax, offset unk_1F000
seg000:00000098 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:0000009D   db 0Bh dup(0)

seg000:000000A8   dd 5A146Ch
seg000:000000AC   db 1Bh ; VM opcode: 0x1B       
seg000:000000AD   db 1   ; x86 instruction length
seg000:000000AE   db 0   ; fixup1 location       
seg000:000000AF   db 0   ; fixup2 location       
seg000:000000B0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:000000B0   leave
seg000:000000B0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:000000B1   db 0Fh dup(0)

seg000:000000C0   dd 5A146Dh
seg000:000000C4   db 1Bh ; VM opcode: 0x1B       
seg000:000000C5   db 3   ; x86 instruction length
seg000:000000C6   db 0   ; fixup1 location       
seg000:000000C7   db 0   ; fixup2 location       
seg000:000000C8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:000000C8   retn    4
seg000:000000C8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:000000CB   db 0Dh dup(0)

This was curious to say the least. Why were there single, isolated x86 instructions contained in data blobs? Does the VM really contain raw x86 instructions? Though not all of the instructions are like this, it turns out that, yes, indeed, about half of the VM instructions contain literal x86 machine code within them. I figured that if I could convert the remaining non-raw-x86 VM instructions into x86, it would probably be easy to revert the entire VM bytecode program back into x86.

Anyway, talk about recovering the x86 program is premature at the moment. Now that we have decrypted the VM bytecode program, it will be easier for us to reverse engineer the VM instruction set. If we are ever confused about how an x86 instruction handler for a VM opcode is using parts of the VM instruction structure, we can simply look up real examples of those instructions for clarification without having to guess.

9. Analysis of FinSpy VM Exit and Re-Entry

Before we discuss the VM instruction set, let's return to the five function pointers found within the VM context structure pertaining to VM exit and re-entry. All of these disassembly listings can be found here, though they are reproduced herein.

9.1 Re-Enter VM, State in Registers

The first function pointer for returning to the VM, called fpFastReEntry in the VM Context structure, simply contains the address of the initialization phase within the VM entrypoint. It assumes that the registers and flags contain meaningful values, and that they have not already been placed on the stack.

9.2 Re-Enter VM, State on Stack

The next return sequence assumes that EAX contains the address of the function pointer from the previous section, and that the flags and registers are saved on the stack. It simply pops the flags and registers off the stack, and transfers control to the function pointer in EAX.

.text:00402BB2     mov     [esp-4], eax        ; Save VM initialization location from EAX onto stack
.text:00402BAB     popf                        ; Restore flags
.text:00402BBD     popa                        ; Restore registers
.text:00402B9C     jmp     dword ptr [esp-28h] ; Branch to VM initialization location

9.3 Branch Taken, State on Stack

This return sequence is used by the VM's conditional and unconditional branch instructions when the branch should be taken. It has the capability to add a displacement to VM EIP -- very similar to how processors like x86 implement relative branches. It also has the capability to branch to an x86 location specified as an RVA, but this code was never used in the sample that I inspected.

.text:00402B74 VM__RelativeJump__Execute:
.text:00402B74     mov     eax, [ecx+1]                         ; Instruction data at DWORD +1 contains
.text:00402B74                                                  ; a displacement for the VM EIP
.text:00402B77     test    eax, eax                             ; Was it non-zero?
.text:00402B79     jz      short jump_to_x86                    ; No -- branch to x86 code at [ecx+5]
.text:00402B7B     add     [ebx+VMContext.pCurrInsn], eax       ; Add the displacement to VM EIP
.text:00402B7D     mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.fpVMEntry]       ; eax := state-in-registers VM entry
.text:00402B80     mov     esp, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1]       ; esp := restore host ESP
.text:00402B83     jmp     [ebx+VMContext.fpVMReEntryToFuncPtr] ; branch to state-on-stack re-entry
.text:00402B86 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00402B86 jump_to_x86:                             ; CODE XREF: ...
.text:00402B86     mov     eax, [ecx+5]                         ; Otherwise, use [ecx+5] as x86 RVA
.text:00402B89     add     eax, [ebx+VMContext.dwBaseAddress]   ; Convert RVA to VA
.text:00402B8C     mov     esp, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1]       ; esp := restore host ESP
.text:00402B8F     jmp     [ebx+VMContext.fpVMReEntryToFuncPtr] ; branch to state-on-stack re-entry

9.4 Branch Not Taken, State on Stack

This return sequence is used by the VM's conditional and unconditional branch instructions when the branch is not taken. It simply adds 0x18, the size of a VM instruction, to the current VM instruction pointer, and re-enters the VM via the "state on stack" handler.

.text:00402B68 VM__NextInsn__Execute:
.text:00402B68     add     [ebx+VMContext.pCurrInsn], size VMInstruction ; Point VM EIP to next instruction
.text:00402B6B     mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.fpVMEntry]                ; EAX := ordinary VM re-entry location
.text:00402B6E     mov     esp, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1]                ; Restore host ESP
.text:00402B71     jmp     [ebx+VMContext.fpVMReEntryToFuncPtr]          ; branch to state-on-stack re-entry

9.5 Function Return, State on Stack

Finally, this VM re-entry function pointer is invoked by dynamically-generated code after a function call returns. The code must pop the last frame off of the dynamically-generated code stack, and update the VMContext->pCurrInsn entry to the VM instruction after the one that issued the function call. Since the VM instruction pointer is saved on the stack above the registers and flags, this code shifts the registers and flags up by one DWORD, and adds 4 to the stack pointer. Finally, it re-enters the VM using the state-on-stack function pointer.

.text:00402C6F     mov     eax, [esp+24h] ; Get saved VMInstruction * from stack
.text:00402CB0     lea     esi, [esp+20h] ; esi = address of registers begin
.text:00402C4E     lea     edi, [esp+24h] ; edi = address of VMInstruction *
.text:00402C40     mov     ecx, 9
.text:00402C66     std                    ; Move saved registers/flags up by
.text:00402C93     rep movsd              ; one DWORD, erasing the VMInstruction *
.text:00402CAA     cld
.text:00402C79     add     esp, 4         ; Adjust stack to remove superfluous DWORD
.text:00402C8B     mov     [ebx+VMContext.pCurrInsn], eax ; Set next instruction
.text:00402C58     sub     [ebx+VMContext.pScratch], 30h  ; Pop function stack
.text:00402C83     mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.fpVMEntry] ; Get VM entry pointer
.text:00402C9F     jmp     [ebx+VMContext.fpVMReEntryToFuncPtr] ; Use state-on-stack return

10. Analysis of FinSpy VM Instruction Set

The VM instruction set, 34 opcodes in total, can be divided neatly into three groups.

  • Conditional and unconditional jumps
  • Operations involving the dedicated register
  • X86-related instructions

10.1 Group #1: Conditional and Unconditional Jumps

Annotated disassembly listings for these instructions can be found here.

The conditional jump instructions are all fairly simple, and nearly identical to one another. Note and recall that at the time the VM entrypoint transfers control to any instruction, the host stack contains the saved flags at the bottom, and the saved registers immediately above that. The conditional jump instructions all load the saved flags off of the bottom of the host stack, and then test the desired combination of bits by using the "test" instruction to isolate individual bits from the saved EFLAGS register. To make my job easier, I created an enumeration in IDA to give names to the symbolic constants:

FFFFFFFF ; enum X86Flags, mappedto_291
FFFFFFFF X86Flags_CF  = 1
FFFFFFFF X86Flags_PF  = 4
FFFFFFFF X86Flags_AF  = 10h
FFFFFFFF X86Flags_ZF  = 40h
FFFFFFFF X86Flags_SF  = 80h
FFFFFFFF X86Flags_OF  = 800h

Now we can easily apply this enumeration to the disassembly listing to tell which bits are being tested. Here is the x86 code for the VM "JL" instruction:

.text:00403007     lea     ecx, [ebx+VMContext.CurrentInsn.InsnData]
.text:00402FD2     mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1]
.text:00402FE8     mov     eax, [eax] ; Grab saved flags from the host stack
.text:0040302D     test    eax, X86Flags_OF ; 800h
.text:00402FFA     setnz   dl
.text:0040303C     test    eax, X86Flags_SF ; 80h
.text:0040304C     setnz   al
.text:00403014     cmp     al, dl
.text:00403021     jnz     short loc_402FDD

; JNZ path
    .text:00402FDD     jmp     [ebx+VMContext.fpVMRelativeJump]

; JZ path
    .text:00402FC9     jmp     [ebx+VMContext.fpVMNext]

This sequence tests the overflow flag (OF) and sign flag (SF) within EFLAGS, and performs a relative jump if they are different from one another. (That's the "JNZ path" in the code above.) If they are the same, execution is instead transferred to the physically next VM instruction (the "JZ path" above) -- exactly the same way that a real conditional jump works on a real x86 processor.

You might not have the condition codes for the various conditional jumps memorized. I.e. you might be confused, when encountering the code above, about which x86 conditional jump instruction corresponds to the situation where the branch is taken when OF!=SF. I usually forget them, too; I reference the code from my X86-to-IR translator when I need a reminder. Here's a table so you don't have to look them up.

Branch | Condition
JS       SF
JNS      !SF
JO       OF
JNO      !OF
JZ       ZF
JNZ      !ZF
JP       PF
JNP      !PF
JB       CF
JAE      !CF
JA       !CF && !ZF
JBE      CF || ZF
JL       SF != OF
JGE      SF == OF
JG       SF == OF && !ZF
JLE      SF != OF || ZF

The unconditional jump instruction uses some trickery involving dynamically-generated x86 code. It seems suitable to delay that instruction until we discuss dynamic code generating-VM instructions in Section 10.3.

10.2 Group #2: "Dedicated Register" Instructions

Annotated disassembly listings for these instructions can be found here.

Analyzing the "dedicated register" instructions confused me at first. As you can see in the code snippet below, each of these contains a memory reference that looks like "[ecx+eax*4+4]", where ECX points to the saved ESP before VM entry, and EAX is computed as 7-Data[0]. 

.text:00403982     lea     ecx, [ebx+VMContext.CurrentInsn.InsnData] ; point ECX to the data region
.text:004039B0     movzx   ecx, byte ptr [ecx]                       ; get the first byte
.text:00403995     mov     eax, 7
.text:0040396C     sub     eax, ecx                                  ; EAX := 7-data[0]
.text:00403947     mov     ecx, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1]            ; ECX := host ESP
.text:0040395E     mov     eax, [ecx+eax*4+4]                        ; Grab saved register
.text:00403951     mov     [ebx+VMContext.dwScratch], eax            ; Store loaded register into SCRATCH
.text:00403978     add     [ebx+VMContext.pCurrInsn], size VMInstruction
.text:004039B8     mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.fpVMEntry] 
.text:004039A2     mov     esp, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1] 
.text:0040398D     jmp     [ebx+VMContext.fpVMReEntryToFuncPtr]

I eventually realized that the host stack contains the saved flags followed by the saved registers. Thus, the "+4" part of the memory operand indexes past the saved flags. Then, the value of EAX in "eax*4" is used to select one of the saved registers. If the byte in Data[0] was 0, then this instruction would select the 7th element in the saved register array -- i.e. the first register pushed, which was EAX. If Data[0] was 1, then this instruction would select the 6th saved register -- i.e. the second register pushed, which was ECX.

Since I've written a disassembler before, I realized the connection between Data[0] and the register chosen. x86 machine code assigns a number to its 32-bit registers in the following order: EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP, EBP, ESI, EDI. Thus, Data[0] selects a register in that order. Therefore, it is a simple matter to figure out which register is accessed by one of these instructions -- just keep an array with the register names in that order.

I was also worred about what happens when Data[0] was not in the range of [0,7]. Negative numbers could result in indexing below the host stack, and numbers 8 or above would result in indexing above the saved registers. I wasn't sure how I would represent and devirtualize these possibilities. I coded limited support for these situations in my disassembler, figuring I would deal with the problem if it ever materialized. Fortunately, it didn't.

10.3 Group #3: X86-Related Instructions

Annotated disassembly listings for these instructions can be found here.

The high-level summary already described the purpose of these instructions: to execute x86 instructions whose machine code are provided within the relevant VM instructions' data regions. The only real difficulty in analyzing them was making sense of which instructions they were writing to the dynamic code region. As you can see in the snippet below, the values written are obfuscated in the disassembly listing:

.text:004040F1     mov     edi, [ebx+VMContext.pScratch]
.text:004040BF     mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1]
.text:004040DD     and     eax, 2Fh
.text:00404110     add     edi, eax
.text:0040412E     push    edi
.text:00404119     mov     word ptr [edi], 6ACh         ; <- Write 0x6AC
.text:0040408F     xor     word ptr [edi], 6731h        ; <- XOR with 0x6731
.text:00404139     add     edi, 2
.text:004040B1     lea     esi, [ebx+VMContext.CurrentInsn.InsnData]
.text:00404086     movzx   ecx, byte ptr [ebx+VMContext.CurrentInsn.DataLength]
.text:004040A2     rep movsb
.text:0040414F     mov     byte ptr [edi], 0E9h         ; <- Write 0xE9
.text:00404165     xor     byte ptr [edi], 81h          ; <- XOR with 0x81
.text:0040405E     mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.fpVMEntry]
.text:004040CA     mov     [edi+1], eax
.text:00404068     mov     byte ptr [edi+5], 6Ch        ; <- Write 0x6C
.text:004040D3     xor     byte ptr [edi+5], 0AFh       ; <- XOR with 0xAF
.text:004040E5     add     dword ptr [ebx+VMContext.pCurrInsn], size VMInstruction
.text:0040415B     pop     eax                         
.text:004040FD     mov     esp, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1]
.text:00404071     jmp     eax

For example, these two lines:

.text:00404119     mov     word ptr [edi], 6ACh         ; <- Write 0x6AC
.text:0040408F     xor     word ptr [edi], 6731h        ; <- XOR with 0x6731

Write 0x06AC, and then XOR that value with 0x6731. Fortunately it's easy enough to use IDA's calculator feature (press '?' in the disassembly listing) to perform these computations. I.e., that snippet writes 0x619D, or in bytes, 9D 61. From here you can look the bytes up in the Intel processor opcode maps, or if you're lazy, find some alignment bytes in the binary, use IDA's Edit->Patch Program->Change Bytes.. feature, write the bytes, and then turn them into code to have IDA automatically disassemble them for you.

10.3.1 Unconditional Jumps

The unconditional branch instruction also makes use of dynamically-generated code, despite not needing to do so. Specifically, it writes the following bytes to the VM stack area: E9 02 F8 B0 F9 B8 [0x004033C9] FF E0, where the value in brackets is a sample-specific value that refers to an address in the .text section that contains code.

If you were to disassemble the sequence of x86 machine code just given, you would find that the first five bytes are an x86 long relative unconditional jump. Then you would stop and scratch your head, since if you write a relative jump with a fixed displacement to an unpredictable address (as the FinSpy VM stack base address is dynamically allocated, thus can change across runs, and is hence unpredictable), the result is also an unpredictable address. Surely, then, this instruction must crash? My original disassembly for this instruction was "CRASH", until I saw how frequently it occurred in the listing of the disassembled program, which forced me to take a closer look.

.text:00403398     lea     ecx, [ebx+VMContext.CurrentInsn.InsnData] ; ECX := &Instruction->Data[0]
.text:004033D1     mov     edi, [ebx+VMContext.pScratch]         ; EDI := dynamic code generation stack
.text:00403237     mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1]        ; EAX := host ESP
.text:00403219     and     eax, 2Fh
.text:00403350     lea     edi, [eax+edi-4AEDE7CFh]              ; Stupid obfuscation on the value of EDI
.text:00403244     mov     dword ptr [edi+4AEDE7CFh], 0B0F802E9h ; [EDI]    := E9 02 F8 B0
.text:00403266     mov     word ptr [edi+4AEDE7D3h], 0B8F9h      ; [EDI+4]  := F9 B8
.text:00403382     call    $+5
.text:00403387     pop     eax
.text:00403253     lea     eax, [eax+42h] ; 0x004033C9
.text:00403305     mov     [edi+4AEDE7D5h], eax                  ; [EDI+6]  := 0x004033C9
.text:00403229     mov     word ptr [edi+4AEDE7D9h], 0E0FFh      ; [EDI+10] := FF E0
.text:004032A1     mov     al, [ecx]                             ; al = first byte of instruction data
.text:004032CA     mov     [edi+4AEDE7CFh], al                   ; [EDI] := al, overwriting E9
.text:00403412     mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1]        ; EAX := host ESP
.text:004033B6     lea     edi, [edi+4AEDE7CFh]                  ; EDI := beginning of code we just wrote
.text:0040332F     push    dword ptr [eax]                       ; Push saved flags
.text:004032E2     popf                                          ; Restore flags
.text:0040331E     jmp     edi                                   ; Jump to the code we just generated

Upon closer inspection, the value of the first byte -- previously described as E9 -- is overwritten on line 004032CA with the first byte from the VMInstruction's data array. So I found an instance of this instruction within the decompressed VM bytecode -- opcode 0x06 in the sample -- and looked at the value of the first byte within the instruction's data, which was 0xEB. (In fact, every VM instruction with an opcode of 0x06 had 0xEB as its first data byte.) Then, substituting EB in place of E9, we end up with a more sensible disassembly listing:

.text:0041EFBC EB 02              jmp     short loc_41EFC0
.text:0041EFBC                ; --------------------------------
.text:0041EFBE F8                 db 0F8h ; °
.text:0041EFBF B0                 db 0B0h ; ¦
.text:0041EFC0                ; --------------------------------
.text:0041EFC0                loc_41EFC0:
.text:0041EFC0 F9                 stc     ; Set carry flag
.text:0041EFC1 B8 C9 33 40 00     mov     eax, offset loc_4033C9
.text:0041EFC6 FF E0              jmp     eax

Now we can analyze the code at the location referenced in the snippet above, namely loc_4033C9:

.text:00403371         jb      short loc_4032FD ; JB will be taken, since carry flag was set previously

; JB path
    ; The code here is identical to the VM conditional branch taken re-entry sequence

; JNB path
    ; No real point in analyzing this, as the JB will always be taken
    .text:0040327C         add     [ebx+VMContext.pCurrInsn], size VMInstruction
    .text:00403426         mov     eax, [ebx+VMContext.fpVMEntry] 
    .text:004033E6         mov     esp, [ebx+VMContext.SavedESP1] 
    .text:00403345         jmp     [ebx+VMContext.fpVMReEntryToFuncPtr] 

A Walk-Through Tutorial, with Code, on Statically Unpacking the FinSpy VM: Part One, x86 Deobfuscation

1. Introduction

Normally when I publish about breaking virtual machine software protections, I do so to present new techniques. Past examples have included:

Today's document has a different focus. I am not going to be showcasing any particularly new techniques. I will, instead, be providing a step-by-step walk-through of the process I used to analyze the FinSpy VM, including my thoughts along the way, the procedures and source code I used, and summaries of the notes I took. The interested reader is encouraged to obtain the sample and walk through the analysis process for themselves.

I have three motives in publishing this document:

  1. I think it's in the best interest of the security defense community if every malware analyst is able to unpack the FinSpy malware VM whenever they encounter it (for obvious reasons).
  2. Reverse engineering is suffering from a drought of hands-on tutorial material in modern times. I was fortunate to begin reverse engineering when such tutorials were common, and they were invaluable in helping me learn the craft. Slides are fine for large analyses, but for smaller ones, let's bring back tutorials for the sake of those that have followed us.
  3. Publications on obfuscation, especially virtualization obfuscation, have become extremely abstruse particularly in the past five years. Many of these publications are largely inaccessible to those not well-versed in master's degree-level program analysis (or above). I want to demonstrate that easier techniques can still produce surprisingly fast and useful results for some contemporary obfuscation techniques. (If you want to learn more about program analysis-based approaches to deobfuscation, there is currently a public offering of my SMT-based program analysis training class, which has over 200 slides on modern deobfuscation with working, well-documented code.)

Update: the rest of this document, the second and third parts, are now available online at the links just given.

2. Initial Steps

The first thing I did upon learning that a new FinSpy sample with VM was publicly available was, of course, to obtain the sample. VirusTotal gave the SHA256 hash; and I obtained the corresponding sample from Hybrid-Analysis.

The next step was to load the sample into IDA. The navigation bar immediately tipped me off that the binary was obfuscated:

  • The first half of the .text section is mostly colored grey and red, indicating data and non-function code respectively.
  • The second half of the .text section is grey in the navigation bar, indicating data turned into arrays.

A normal binary would have a .text section that was mostly blue, indicating code within functions.

3. Analysis of WinMain: Suspicions of VM-Based Obfuscation

IDA's auto-analysis feature identified that the binary was compiled by the Microsoft Visual C compiler. I began by identifying the WinMain function. Normally IDA would do this on my behalf, but the code at that location is obfuscated, so IDA did not name it or turn it into a function. I located WinMain by examining the ___tmainCRTStartup function from the Visual C Run-Time and finding where it called into user-written code. The first few instructions resembled a normal function prologue; from there, the obfuscation immediately began.

.text:00406154     mov     edi, edi                 ; Normal prologue
.text:00406156     push    ebp                      ; Normal prologue
.text:00406157     mov     ebp, esp                 ; Normal prologue
.text:00406159     sub     esp, 0C94h               ; Normal prologue
.text:0040615F     push    ebx                      ; Save registers #1
.text:00406160     push    esi                      ; Save registers #1
.text:00406161     push    edi                      ; Save registers #1
.text:00406162     push    edi                      ; Save registers #2
.text:00406163     push    edx                      ; Save registers #2
.text:00406164     mov     edx, offset byte_415E41  ; Obfuscation - #1
.text:00406169     and     edi, 0C946B9C3h          ; Obfuscation - #2
.text:0040616F     sub     edi, [edx+184h]          ; Obfuscation - #3
.text:00406175     imul    edi, esp, 721D31h        ; Obfuscation - #4
.text:0040617B     stc                              ; Obfuscation
.text:0040617C     sub     edi, [edx+0EEh]          ; Obfuscation - #5
.text:00406182     shl     edi, cl                  ; Obfuscation
.text:00406184     sub     edi, [edx+39h]           ; Obfuscation - #6
.text:0040618A     shl     edi, cl                  ; Obfuscation
.text:0040618C     imul    edi, ebp                 ; Obfuscation
.text:0040618F     mov     edi, edi                 ; Obfuscation
.text:00406191     stc                              ; Obfuscation
.text:00406192     sub     edi, 0A14686D0h          ; Obfuscation

; ... obfuscation continues ...

.text:004065A2     pop     edx                      ; Restore registers
.text:004065A3     pop     edi                      ; Restore registers

The obfuscation in the sequence above continues for several hundred instructions, nearly all of them consisting of random-looking modifications to the EDI register. I wanted to know A) whether the computations upon EDI were entirely immaterial junk instructions, or whether a real value was being produced by this sequence, and B) whether the memory references in the lines labeled #1, #3, #5, and #6 were meaningful.

As for the first question, note that the values of the registers upon entering this sequence are unknown. We are, after all, in WinMain(), which uses the __cdecl calling convention, meaning that the caller did not pass arguments in registers. Therefore, the value computed on line #2 is unpredictable and can potentially change across different executions. Also, the value computed on line #4 is pure gibberish -- the value of the stack pointer will change across runs (and the modification to EDI overwrites the values computed on lines #1-#3).

As for the second question, I skimmed the obfuscated listing and noticed that there were no writes to memory, only reads, all intertwined with gibberish instructions like the ones just described. Finally, the original value of edi is popped off the stack at the location near the end labeled "restore registers". So I was fairly confident that I was looking at a sequence of instructions meant to do nothing, producing no meaningful change to the state of the program.

Following that was a short sequence:

.text:004065A4     push    5A403Dh                  ; Obfuscation
.text:004065A9     push    ecx                      ; Obfuscation
.text:004065AA     sub     ecx, ecx                 ; Obfuscation
.text:004065AC     pop     ecx                      ; Obfuscation
.text:004065AD     jz      loc_401950               ; Transfer control elsewhere
.text:004065AD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004065B3     db 5 dup(0CCh)
.text:004065B8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004065B8     mov     edi, edi
.text:004065BA     push    ebp
.text:004065BB     mov     ebp, esp
.text:004065BD     sub     esp, 18h

; ... followed by similar obfuscation to what we saw above ...

By inspection, this sequence just pushes the value 5A403Dh onto the stack, and transfers control to loc_401950. (The "sub ecx, ecx" instruction above sets the zero flag to 1, therefore the JZ instruction will always branch.) 

Next we see the directive "db 5 dup(0CCh)" followed by "mov edi, edi". Reverse engineers will recognize these sequences as the Microsoft Visual C compiler's implementation of hot-patching support. The details of hot-patching are less important than the observation that I expected that the original pre-obfuscated binary contained a function that began at the address of the first sequence, and ended before the "db 5 dup(0CCh)" sequence. I.e. I expect that the obfuscator disassembled all of the code within this function, replaced it with gibberish instructions, placed a branch at the end to some other location, and then did the same thing with the next function.

This is a good sign that we're dealing with a virtualization-based obfuscator: namely, it looks like the binary was compiled with an ordinary compiler, then passed to a component that overwrote the original instructions (rather than merely encrypting them in-place, as would normal packers). 

4. Learning More About the VM Entrypoint and VM Pre-Entry

Recall again the second sequence of assembly code from the previous sequence:

.text:004065A4     push    5A403Dh                  ; Obfuscation - #1
.text:004065A9     push    ecx                      ; Obfuscation
.text:004065AA     sub     ecx, ecx                 ; Obfuscation
.text:004065AC     pop     ecx                      ; Obfuscation
.text:004065AD     jz      loc_401950               ; Transfer control elsewhere

Since -- by supposition -- all of the code from this function was replaced with gibberish, there wasn't much to meaningfully analyze. My only real option was to examine the code at the location loc_401950, the target of the JZ instruction on the last line. The first thing I noticed at this location, loc_401950, was that there were 125 incoming references, nearly all of them of the form "jz loc_401950", with some of the form "jmp loc_401950". Having analyzed a number of VM-based obfuscators in my day, this location fits the pattern of being the part of the VM known as the "entrypoint" -- the part where the virtual CPU begins to execute. Usually this location will save the registers and flags onto the stack, before performing any necessary setup, and finally beginning to execute VM instructions. VM entrypoints usually require a pointer or other identifier to the bytecode that will be executed by the VM; maybe that's the value from the instruction labeled #1 in the sequence above? Let's check another incoming reference to that location to verify:

.text:00408AB8     push    5A7440h ; #2
.text:00408ABD     push    eax
.text:00408ABE     sub     eax, eax
.text:00408AC0     pop     eax
.text:00408AC1     jz      loc_401950

The other location leading to the entrypoint is functionally identical, apart from pushing a different value onto the stack. This value is not a pointer; it does not correspond to an address within the executable's memory image. Nevertheless, we expect that this value is somehow responsible for telling the VM entrypoint where the bytecode is located.

5. Analyzing the VM Entrypoint Code

So far we have determined that loc_401950 is the VM entrypoint, targeted by 125 branching locations within the binary, which each push a different non-pointer DWORD before branching. Let's start analyzing that code:

.text:00401950                   loc_401950:
.text:00401950 0F 82 D1 02 00 00     jb      loc_401C27
.text:00401956 0F 83 CB 02 00 00     jnb     loc_401C27

Immediately we see an obvious and well-known form of obfuscation. The first line jumps to loc_401C27 if the "below" conditional is true, and the second line jumps to loc_401C27 if the "not below" conditional is true. I.e., execution will reach loc_401C27 if either "below" or "not below" is true in the current EFLAGS context. I.e., these two instructions will transfer control to loc_401C27 no matter what is in EFLAGS -- and in particular, we might as well replace these two instructions with "jmp loc_401C27", as the effect would be identical.

Continuing to analyze at loc_401C27, we see another instance of the same basic idea:

.text:00401C27                   loc_401C27:
.text:00401C27 77 CD                 ja      short loc_401BF6
.text:00401C29 76 CB                 jbe     short loc_401BF6

Here we have an unconditional branch to loc_401BF6, split across two instructions -- a "jump if above", and "jump if below or equals", where "above" and "below or equals" are logically opposite and mutually exclusive conditions.

After this, at location loc_401BF6, there is a legitimate-looking instruction (push eax), followed by another conditional jump pair to loc_401D5C. At that location, there is another legitimate-looking instruction (push ecx), followed by a conditional jump pair to loc_4019D2. At that location, there is another legitimate-looking instruction (push edx), followed by another conditional jump pair. It quickly became obvious that every legitimate instruction was interspersed between one or two conditional jump pairs -- there are hundreds or thousands of these pairs throughout the binary.

Though an extremely old and not particularly sophisticated form of obfuscation, it is nevertheless annoying and degrades the utility of one's disassembler. As I discussed in a previous entry on IDA processor module extensions, IDA does not automatically recognize that two opposite conditional branches to the same location are an unconditional branch to that location. As a result, IDA thinks that the address following the second conditional branch must necessarily contain code. Obfuscation authors exploit this by putting junk bytes after the second conditional branch, which then causes the disassembler to generate garbage instructions, which may overlap and occlude legitimate instructions following the branch due to the variable-length encoding scheme for X86. (Note that IDA is not to blame for this conundrum -- ultimately these problems are undecidable under ordinary Von Neumann-based models of program execution.) The result is that many of the legitimate instructions get lost in the dreck generated by this process, and that, in order to follow the code as usual in manual static analysis, one would spend a lot of time manually undefining the gibberish instructions and re-defining the legitimate ones.

6. Deobfuscating the Conditional Branch Obfuscation: Theory and Practice

Manually undefining and redefining instructions as just described, however, would be a waste of time, so let's not do that. Speaking of IDA processor modules, once it became clear that this pattern repeated between every legitimate non-control-flow instruction, I got the idea to write an IDA processor module extension to remove the obfuscation automatically. IDA processor module extensions give us the ability to have a function of ours called every time the disassembler encounters an instruction. If we could recognize that the instruction we were disassembling was a conditional branch, and determine that the following instruction contains its opposite conditional branch to the same target as the first, we could replace the first one with an unconditional branch and NOP out the second branch instruction.

Thus, the first task is to come up with a way to recognize instances of this obfuscation. It seemed like the easiest way would be to do this with byte pattern-recognition. In my callback function that executes before an instruction is disassembled, I can inspect the raw bytes to determine whether I'm dealing with a conditional branch, and if so, what the condition is and the branch target. Then I can apply the same logic to determine whether the following instruction is a conditional branch and determine its condition and target. If the conditions are opposite and the branch targets are the same, we've found an instance of the obfuscation and can neutralize it.

In practice, this is even easier than it sounds! Recall the first example from above, reproduced here for ease of reading:

.text:00401950 0F 82 D1 02 00 00     jb      loc_401C27
.text:00401956 0F 83 CB 02 00 00     jnb     loc_401C27

Each of these two instructions is six bytes long. They both begin with the byte 0F (the x86 two-byte escape opcode stem), are then followed by a byte in the range of 80 to 8F, and are then followed by a DWORD encoding the displacement from the end of the instructions to the branch targets. As a fortuitous quirk of x86 instruction encodings, opposite conditional branches are encoded with adjacent bytes. I.e. 82 represents the long form of JB, and 83 represents the long form of JNB. Two long branches have opposite condition codes if and only if their second opcode byte differs from one another in the lowest bit (i.e. 0x82 ^ 0x83 == 0x01). And note also that the DWORDs following the second opcode byte differ by exactly 6 -- the length of a long conditional branch instruction.

That's all we need to know for the long conditional branches. There is also a short form for conditionals, shown in the second example above and reproduced here for ease of reading:

.text:00401C27 77 CD                 ja      short loc_401BF6
.text:00401C29 76 CB                 jbe     short loc_401BF6

Virtually identical comments apply to these sequences. The first bytes of both instructions are in the range of 0x70 to 0x7F, opposite conditions have differing lowest bits, and the second bytes differ from one another by exactly 2 -- the length of a short conditional branch instruction.

7. Deobfuscating the Conditional Branch Obfuscation: Implementation

I started by copying and pasting my code from the last time I did something like this. I first deleted all the code that was specific to the last protection I broke with an IDA processor module extension. Since I've switched to IDA 7.0 in the meantime, and since IDA 7.0 made breaking changes vis-a-vis prior APIs, I had to make a few modifications -- namely, renaming the custom analysis function from deobX86Hook::custom_ana(self) to deobX86Hook::ev_ana_insn(self, insn), and replacing every reference to idaapi.cmd.ea with insn.ea. Also, my previous example would only run if the binary's MD5 matched a particular sum, so I copied and pasted the sum of my sample out of IDA's database preamble over the previous MD5.

From there I had to change the logic in custom_ana. The result was even simpler than my last processor module extension. Here is the logic for recognizing and deobfuscating the short form of the conditional branch obfuscation:

b1 = idaapi.get_byte(insn.ea)
if b1 >= 0x70 and b1 <= 0x7F:
    d1 = idaapi.get_byte(insn.ea+1)
    b2 = idaapi.get_byte(insn.ea+2)
    d2 = idaapi.get_byte(insn.ea+3)
    if b2 == b1 ^ 0x01 and d1-2 == d2:
        # Replace first byte of first conditional with 0xEB, the opcode for "JMP rel8"
        idaapi.put_byte(insn.ea, 0xEB) 
        # Replace the following instruction with two 0x90 NOP instructions
        idaapi.put_word(insn.ea+2, 0x9090)

Deobfuscating the long form is nearly identical; see the code for details.

8. Admiring My Handiwork, Cleaning up the Database a Bit

Now I copied the processor module extension to %IDA%\plugins and re-loaded the sample. It had worked! The VM entrypoint had been replaced with:

.text:00401950 loc_401950:
.text:00401950     jmp     loc_401C27

Though the navigation bar was still largely red and ugly, I immediately noticed a large function in the middle of the text section:


Looking at it in graph mode, we can see that it's kind of ugly and not entirely as nice as analyzing unobfuscated X86, but considering how trivial it was to get here, I'll take it over the obfuscated version any day. The red nodes denote errant instructions physically located above the valid ones in the white nodes. IDA's graphing algorithm includes any code within the physically contiguous region of a function's chunks in the graph display, regardless of whether they have incoming code cross-references, likely to make displays of exception handlers nicer. It would be easy enough to remove these and strip the JMP instructions if you wanted to write a plugin to do so.


Next I was curious about the grey areas in the .text section navigation bar held. (Those areas denote defined data items, mixed in with the obfuscated code in the .text section.) I figured that the data held there was most likely related to the obfuscator. I spent a minute looking at the grey regions and found this immediately after the defined function:

.text:00402AE0     dd offset loc_402CF2
.text:00402AE4     dd offset loc_402FBE

; ... 30 similar lines deleted ...

.text:00402B60     dd offset loc_4042DC
.text:00402B64     dd offset loc_40434D

34 offsets, each of which contains code. Those are probably the VM instruction handlers. For good measure, let's turn those into functions with an IDAPython one-liner:

for pFuncEa in xrange(0x00402AE0, 0x00402B68, 4):

Now a large, contiguous chunk of the navigation bar for the .text section is blue. And at this point I realized I had forgotten to create a function at the original dispatcher location, so I did that manually and here was the resulting navigation bar:


Hex-Rays doesn't do a very good job with any of the functions we just defined, since they were originally written in assembly language and use instructions and constructs not ordinarily produced by compilers. I don't blame Hex-Rays for that and I hope they continue to optimize for standard compiler-based use cases and not weird ones like this.

Lastly, I held PageDown scrolling through the text section to see what was left. The majority of it was VM entrypoints like those we saw in section 3. There were a few functions that appeared like they had been produced by a compiler.

So now we have assessed what's in the text section -- a VM with 34 handlers, 125+ virtualized functions, and a handful of unvirtualized ones. Next time we'll take a look at the VM.

9. Preview of Parts 2 and 3, and Beyond

After this I spent a few hours analyzing the VM entrypoint and VM instruction handlers. Next, through static analysis I obtained the bytecode for the VM program contained within this sample. I then wrote a disassembler for the VM. That's part two.

From there, by staring at the disassembled VM bytecode I was able to write a simple pattern-based deobfuscator. After that I re-generated the X86 machine code, which was not extremely difficult, but it was more laborious than I had originally anticipated. That's part three.

After that, I re-inserted the X86 machine code into the original binary and analyzed it. It turned out to be a fairly sophisticated dropper for one of two second-stage binaries. It was fairly heavy on system internals and had a few tricks that aren't widely documented, so I may publish one or more of those as separate entries, and/or I may publish an analysis of the entire dropper.

Finally, I analyzed -- or rather, still am analyzing -- the second-stage binaries. They may or may not prove worthy of publication.

The Synesthesia Shellcode Generator: Code Release and Future Directions

Synesthesia is an idea that I published at EkoParty last year (slides and video are available) regarding automated shellcode generation under encoding restrictions. The presentation walked through an extended tutorial on program synthesis, and showed how the idea would be implemented using those techniques. I promised to release code; this blog entry is the notification of such release, and some explanation of what the code is, what it is not, and what I hope it shall be in future releases. Here is the GitHub repository.

Limitations of current release

As envisioned in that presentation, the ideal implementation of Synesthesia is a stand-alone compiler with three modes: 1) generate shellcode under input restrictions given a specification for its behavior; 2) re-compile existing shellcode under input restrictions; and 3) encode and generate decoder loops for existing, non-encoded shellcode binary blobs. No matter which mode, in the ideal fully-automated implementation, the user should be able to write programs that dictate their requirements on the shellcode, invoke the Synesthesia compiler, and recieve machine code as output. As with any compiler, Synthesthsia should be a black box: to use it, the user should not have to be an expert user of SMT solvers or possess advanced education in theoretical computer science and mathematics. At present, the current implementation falls short of the goal of being an actual compiler: the process is not fully (or even largely) automated.

The current implementation of Synesthesia is a set of .ys files, scripts written in the YICES 2.x SMT solver presentation language. Each one defines an SMT query corresponding to an example given in the presentation. To obtain a result, the user must pass the .ys files into yices 2.x with the --mode=ef command-line option, and then manually interpret the results. To solve a different problem from the ones given in the presentation, the user must manually create a .ys file (perhaps using the existing ones as a template) and pass it to Yices for solving.

Lately, I have been working on (and enjoying) bringing Synesthesia closer to the ideal vision. The in-progress version is a legitimate, stand-alone compiler with its own programming language, where the machine language decoding routines are written in that language. However, it is in early development at the moment and is not yet suitable for release.

Example code

One of the most interesting files in the repository is the x86 version. It implements several of the examples from the presentation. However, understanding it may be difficult before reading the implementations for the earlier tutorial examples given in the presentation, and those examples also contain sophisticated techniques regarding loops. They are described subsequently.

The first part of the presentation walks through a simple example of synthesizing C programs. The .ys implementation can be found here. Hopefully, with the comments in the code and its short length, this should be easy to understand if you read the presentation.

Next, the presentation extends the ideas first to synthesizing assembly language programs, and then to synthesizing machine language programs. For demonstration, it uses two imaginary languages, the "Simple" assembly language and its "SimpleMC" machine code. The first example involves synthesizing the "increment" operator in Simple assembly language. That example is found here

Shortly after in the presentation, I demonstrate how to obtain the longest or shortest program satisfying the constraints.

Much of the remaining material is dedicated to synthesizing decoder loops. The first examples involve simple loops. The next two examples synthesize complex  decoders that take two bytes of input to produce one byte of output. The first example restricts the input to printable bytes; the second restricts to alphanumeric bytes.

That's all for now; I hope somebody finds it useful.

Synesthesia: Modern Shellcode Synthesis (Ekoparty 2016 Talk)

Here are the slides and code for my recent presentation at Ekoparty 2016. The full abstract can be found below. In brief, this research involved automatically generating shellcodes when there are restrictions on legal encodings. We explore examples ranging from well-known ones (no NULL bytes, no '%' character, printable, alphanumeric, all letters uppercase, etc.) to weird and challenging ones (bytes must alternate even and odd, no duplicate bytes, all words are prime numbers, etc). We also explore automated encoding and decoder generation: e.g., given some existing shellcode, transform it into (for example) alphanumeric bytes, and generate a decoder to revert the encoding at run-time. We also explore tasks like finding the shortest or longest solutions, re-writing existing shellcodes into a given encoding, exploiting known facts about the input state, and integration with automated exploit generation.


Slides: HERE
Slides with presenter notes: HERE
Video: HERE (does not include the material on decoder loop synthesis due to time constraints)
Code:  HERE
Information about the training classes mentioned in the presentation: HERE


The problems of shellcode generation and of memory corruption exploit development share a birthday. In brief, memory corruption exploits must trick a program into executing machine code ("shellcode") provided as input. Each individual exploit scenario may place constraints upon the allowable machine code bytes: NULL bytes (or any arbitrary bytes) may be disallowed; the input may be constrained to be alphanumeric; all ASCII characters may be required to be uppercase; certain characters may be filtered; the input may be transformed in arbitrary ways; the input may be required to lie within UTF-8 or UTF-16; and so on.

Historically, the security community has dealt with these problems on a case-by-case basis. Many papers were written regarding various processor architectures and some common encoding restriction schema. Generally, these publications describe patterns for performing common operations (setting registers to constants, obtaining the program counter, etc.) within the given encoding restriction. From these publications came shellcode encoding; rather than writing the entire shellcode within the encoding restriction, we encode a shellcode blob within the encoding, and generate a machine code program within that encoding to decode the blob and execute it. Shellcode encoders are useful, but they suffer from a number of issues. They expand the size of the shellcode blob, which can render an exploit unworkable. They often contain common sequences of machine code, for which IDS detections are readily available. They are not guaranteed to find an encoding and a decoder, even if one exists. In short, shellcode generation is still a real-world problem, despite the existence of shellcode encoders.

In this publication, we provide a novel technique based on program synthesis for creating machine code programs that fall within a given encoding. Essentially, Synesthesia is a compiler whose inputs are a specification of the desired functionality, together with a specification of the allowable encodings. Synesthesia enjoys a number of nice theoretical properties: it is guaranteed to find an encoding for the desired functionality if one exists; the user can search for the shortest program in terms of byte length or number of instructions; it does not rely upon pattern databases of any sort, so each run can potentially produce an entirely unique output; and it can produce self-modifying code. The ideas behind Synesthesia are not tied to any specific processor architecture, and do not require emulation, access to such a processor, or brute-forcing.

This presentation will discuss the context wherein Synesthesia exists, the concepts behind its design, case studies on more than one assembly language, a performance evaluation, and a discussion of the theoretical limitations (i.e., permanent issues) and practical ones (i.e., limitations of contemporary SMT solvers). Synesthesia shall be made available as open source.


Open the video on half of your screen and the slides on the other, switching through the slides as I do so during the video.  The presentation uses a lot of in-frame animations, so for best results, you will want to view the PDF in contiguous rather than contiguous mode.  I.e., only one slide should be on-screen at a time (no fractions of subsequent slides visible), and that advancing the slide should bring up an entirely new slide.  This is easy to accomplish with the full-page mode of standalone PDF viewers.  In Chrome's PDF viewer, you can use the left and right arrow keys to advance or retreat one slide at a time.  Alternatively, there is an icon bar at the bottom right of each slide.  The first two buttons from the left retreat and advance by one slide, respectively.  Failing all of these options, use a different PDF viewer.



SMT-Based Binary Program Analysis Course Sample: X86 Assembly/Disassembly

Möbius Strip Reverse Engineering is pleased to offer a representative sample of its new course offering on SMT-based binary program analysis.  The first public offering of this course is the week of September 21st, 2015 in Northern Virginia; see the link for details.

The sample is meant to demonstrate the lecture format, the nature of the code provided in the course, and the nature of the exercises done throughout the class.  Accordingly, the course sample consists of four components:

  • Lecture slides, describing every facet of the x86 instruction set, and the process of assembling and disassembling it.

  • Python code for an entire x86 assembler and disassembler suite.  It is heavily documented, with accompanying external HTML documentation, and thorough test suites.

  • The implementation manual, which describes the design philosophy behind each module of the code.  Additionally, the first chapter is an introduction to Python to assist those familiar with other programming languages.

  • The exercise manual, which contains two varieties of exercises.  

  1. Hand-written exercises involving encoding and decoding X86 instructions and their operands.

  2. Programming exercises involving completing portions of the Python code.  As with all programming exercises in the course, the student can check their progress by running the provided, comprehensive test suites.

We at Möbius Strip Reverse Engineering hope you find this material educational and valuable.

Memory Lane: Hacking Renovo

Renovo is an automated "unpacking" tool developed by BitBlaze at UC Berkeley.  The notion behind Renovo is that packers frequently encrypt and/or compress regions of code at the time of protection, and decrypt/decompress these regions while the packer executes.  The Renovo paper terms these regions "hidden code", and the goal of Renovo as a system is to retrieve the hidden code regions generated throughout packer execution.

(Note that Renovo is not what we might consider a truly automated unpacker, as it does not attempt to reconstruct working executables.  I.e., protections regarding imported symbols are not resolved, and other forms of protection such as virtualization obfuscation are ignored.)

Renovo is built atop QEMU, and performs a watered-down form of dynamic taint analysis.  Namely, every time the packer code writes to memory, the written addresses are considered "dirty", with such information being recorded in a table.  Then, for every instruction executed throughout the course of packer execution, Renovo queries the dirty-address table to determine whether the instruction's address has previously been overwritten.  If this is the case, Renovo considers this moment in time as beginning the execution of "hidden code".  It makes a note of the event, and dumps the surrounding dirty regions.  This simple technique is very effective in tracking execution within memory regions that have previously been written.

For a brief period of time, the folks at BitBlaze put Renovo online for public evaluation.  It had a web interface allowing the user to upload malicious binaries.  The system then ran the binaries through Renovo, collected all of the hidden code regions gathered on a particular run, and emailed the results to the user.

Since I am a reverse engineer, I could not resist the temptation to screw around with this system.  In particular, I wanted to know whether there was any secret sauce running inside of the emulated environment (beyond the modifications to QEMU).  The nature of the public demonstration allowed me to run code of my choosing within the Renovo environment.  I.e., I could enumerate the file system, the drivers, registry keys of my choosing, and so on.  But how was I going to exfiltrate the results?

After some thought, I realized that if I could turn the data into code and execute it, Renovo would happily email it back to me, because that is exactly what it was designed to do.  

In particular, suppose I wish to exfiltrate the contents of some buffer filled with reconnaissance data.  First, allocate RWX memory of an appropriate size.  Now, let's consider our data buffer as a collection of 32-bit integers.  Take the first integer, dw0, and use it to create the instruction "add eax, dw0", i.e., "05 XX YY ZZ WW", where dw0 is 0xWWZZYYXX.  Repeat this process for all integers within the buffer.  At the end, write a "retn" instruction, i.e., 0xC3.  Now execute this piece of freshly-generated code.  

Renovo will detect this as "hidden code" executed by the process, and send the entire piece of allocated memory back to me.  From there, it is a simple matter to strip out the "05" bytes (corresponding to "add eax, dword") and the trailing "C3" byte ("retn"), and reconstruct the original data buffer.  The code looked roughly as follows:


#define DWORD_AS_CODE(ptr,value) {\
  *ptr++ = 0x05;\ // ADD EAX, DWORD
  *(long *)ptr = value;\
  ptr += 4;}

typedef void (*fptr)(void);

void exfiltrate(unsigned int len, const char *buf)
  char *exfil = VirtualAlloc(0, (len+4)*(5/4), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
  fptr fp = (fptr)exfil;


  for(int i = 0; i < (len+3)&~3 >> 2; ++i)
    DWORD_AS_CODE(exfil,((long *)buf)[i]);

  *exfil = 0xC3; // RETN


It worked like a charm.  I played around dumping various things out of the virtual environment until I got bored and emailed the project maintainers with my findings, who promptly took the service offline and never brought it back.

Transparent Deobfuscation with IDA Processor Module Extensions

The previous blog entry touched on a form of compile-time protection that complicated static and dynamic analysis. Namely, the protection replaced control-transfer instructions with privileged instructions, followed by data indicating to which location to transfer control.  At run-time, attempting to execute those privileged instructions raises an exception. The exception handler, in turn, catches the exceptions, performs the intended transfers, and resumes execution. The resulting disassembly listing is difficult to read in several capacities.

The previous entry attacked the obfuscation to some extent, but we can do more. IDA processor module extensions are a perfect match for this problem. We can essentially trick IDA into thinking that the obfuscated instructions are their unobfuscated originals, so that the static analyst can read the disassembly listing (and use all of IDA's and Hex-Rays' functionality) as though the code had never been obfuscated.  The processor module extension route provides a seamless, slipstream implementation that integrates directly into IDA's analysis facilities, thereby performing deobfuscation as the code is disassembled.  Fast, cheap, and good:  it turns out that you can have all three.

Control Transfer Obfuscation

The previous blog entry described one privileged instruction employed by the protection, and a technique for mitigating its deleterious effects on analysis. In reality, the protection employs three different privileged instructions, enumerated below. The first two use 16-bits worth of data following the privileged instruction to describe the address to which control should be transferred. The third one uses an immediate constant within the instruction as an index into a function pointer table.

  • in eax, dx / dw XXYYh => call 0x405000+XXYYh, as discussed previously.
  • in al, dx / dw XXYYh => call 0x405000+XXYYh, where the code bytes at the destination are encrypted, and must be decrypted prior to execution.
  • in al, XXh => call dword ptr [4011ACh+XX*4].

This form of protection poses an obvious hindrance to reverse engineering and automated analysis: the control-transfer instructions no longer exist, having been replaced by smaller, privileged instructions. As a result, the static analyst must resolve the original branch destinations manually. 

Introduction of Bogus Instructions

The technical specifics of the protection mechanisms provide other irritations for static analysis. Upon decoding an instruction, most disassemblers will employ some logic to determine which address(es) should be decoded next. The typical logic is that, in the case of ...: 

  1. A conditional jump or call, both the targeted address and the address following the jump or call should be decoded. 
  2. An unconditional jump, only the targeted address should be decoded. 
  3. A return instruction, no further instructions should be decoded.
  4. Any other instruction, the address following the present one should be decoded.

Since the privileged instructions fall under category #4 above, the disassembler will assume that the address following the instruction contains code and should be decoded. However, with this protection scheme, the address following the privileged instructions may contain data, and hence decoding such data will produce bogus instructions. x86's variable-length instruction encoding scheme magnifies the effects of this problem. When the data decodes to an instruction that is more than two bytes in length, the disassembler will miss valid instructions that begin after the data.

Altogether, the result is a messy disassembly listing that does not reflect which instructions actually execute at run-time. The following figure illustrates the problems discussed above. On the left, we see the obfuscated disassembly listing, with the obfuscated control transfers and bogus instructions indicated. On the right, I have manually cleaned up the listing, indicating the proper control transfers. Each of the types of privileged instructions already described are represented within the figure. Additionally, we see the occluding effects of the bogus instructions: at address 0040824A on the left, there is a three-byte instruction, causing the disassembler to miss the valid instruction at address 0040824C shown on the right, and producing the bogus instructions at addresses 0040824D and 0040824E on the left.

Encrypted Code Regions

The first variety of control-transfer obfuscation, listed above, merely masks calls to functions within the module. For the second variety, the code to which control is transferred is actually encrypted within the binary. The exception handler is responsible for allocating executable memory, decrypting the code, copying it into the allocated memory, and transferring execution there.

The "encryption" employed is more tedious than interesting. It consists of merely permuting and/or incrementing bytes within 8-byte blocks of the function's code. The permutation is controlled by a key, allowing each block to be permuted individually. Each such encrypted code region is preceded by 32-bits worth of metadata:

  1. The length of the encrypted code (as a 16-bit integer),
  2. The key to use for permutation (as a byte),
  3. An unused byte.

It is a simple matter to replicate the permutation logic and write a function implementing it.

IDA Processor Module Extensions

Despite the hassles it causes IDA and the reverse engineer, the obfuscation employed by this binary is particularly easy to bypass automatically. After familiarizing ourselves with the obfuscation scheme, we as humans can recognize that every time we encounter one of the three privileged instructions in the disassembly listing, we know to which address control is being transferred, and the nature of the transfer. And since IDA's disassembler logic is extensible by plugins, we can write a short piece of code to perform this recognition on our behalf, and automatically alter the listing such that the obfuscation no longer appears.

IDA processor module extensions allow plugin code to take control of the disassembler logic before the ordinary processor module has a chance to do so, in a manner similar to how filter drivers operate. In particular, IDA processor modules are implemented largely via callbacks that the IDA kernel invokes while disassembling a given binary. Processor module extensions can register callbacks that execute before the original processor module's. They can choose to either handle the events presented by the IDA kernel, or pass them on to the original processor module. 

IDA processor modules are complex, but for the purpose of deobfuscating this binary, we only need to talk about the callback responsible for decoding instructions (namely, the ana() callback). That function, which is invoked when the kernel needs to decode an instruction:

  1. Consumes bytes from the instruction stream,
  2. Decodes the bytes to determine the specifics of the instruction and its operands,
  3. Sets fields inside of IDA's global cmd structure to represent the instruction.

For more information on IDA processor module construction, see an old article of mine on VM deobfuscation (particularly appendix B), Chris Eagle's IDA Pro book, or this article.


Fortunately for us, the processor module extension mechanism is available in IDAPython. All we have to do is derive a class from idaapi.IDP_Hooks and hook ana() by implementing the custom_ana() class method. The logic is trivial. We fetch a byte from the address at which the IDA kernel is requesting disassembly.  If the byte is...:

  • 0xED, this corresponds to the "in eax, dx" instruction, which is used to obfuscate direct call instructions. We consume the word following that byte, determine the call destination, and set up the cmd structure as though the instruction were "call dest_addr".
  • 0xE4, this corresponds to the "in al, imm8" instruction, which is used to obfuscate indirect call instructions. We consume the following byte, determine which function pointer is being called, and set up the cmd structure as though the instruction were "call [dest_addr]".
  • 0xEC, this corresponds to the "in al, dx" instruction, which is used to obfuscate direct call instructions to encrypted code regions. First, we consume the word following that byte to determine the call destination. Next, we need to decrypt the code regions and patch the database to reflect the decrypted bytes. Some care needs to be taken here so that we do not decrypt the same region twice. We make use of IDA's persistent storage features, called netnodes, to attach a marker to addresses that we've already decrypted. When we encounter this variety of obfuscated instruction, we check to see whether we've decrypted the bytes at the destination address already. If not, we decrypt the region and set the marker for the address. Finally, we set up the cmd structure as though the instruction were "call dest_addr". 

The resulting IDAPython processor module extension (password: "malware") is less than 100 lines of code, the majority of which is the logic for creating the proper instructions and decoding encrypted regions. To use the plugin, simply copy the .py file to %IDA%\plugins\.


Though the Python code may look simple, some complexity lurks nearby the setting of the processor module-specific fields cmd.specflags and cmd.Op[N].specval.  For x86, many details can be found in the SDK's intel.hpp.  Should you find yourself wanting to replicate this method upon another binary, you might run into weird issues with respect to the output disassembly listing. Igor Skochinsky imparted a good debugging tip:  find the type of instruction you want to replicate in a "clean", ordinary binary, dump its insn_t/op_t representations, and ensure that your replacements resemble the "clean" instructions.  If you encounter bugs (especially related to cross-references or the display of the instruction/operands), they probably stem from deviations in these structures.  I have provided in the archive linked above, a (trivial) script implementing Igor's suggestion that I used for debugging.

Detours into Arcana: A Static Malware Analysis Trick

Several friends asked for my advice on a particular technique seen in some recent malware samples, which is similar in nature to the Nanomites feature of the Armadillo copy protection.  There are three parts to this technique:

  1. When creating the malware binary, replace control transfer (call and jmp) instructions with privileged instructions.
  2. At run-time, install an exception handler.
  3. Catch the exceptions thrown by the privileged instructions, perform the intended control transfers, and resume execution.

A concrete example follows.

UPX0:004081F7 in eax, dx
UPX0:004081F8 dw 4EE0h

When the process attempts to execute this instruction, an exception is generated.  The exception handler checks to see that the faulting instruction is "in eax, dx", then reads the word following the instruction, and generates a call to location 0x405000 + 0x4EE0.  In other words, call instructions within the module are replaced by:

in eax, dx
dw call_destination - 0x405000

As malware analysts, we would like to deobfuscate the binary by replacing these privileged sequences with the original call instructions, both for our own sake as well as the ability to use the Hex-Rays decompiler (which otherwise balks at the use of privileged instructions).  However, the particular implementation within this sample poses a slight conundrum.  The sequence "in eax, dx / dw XXXXh" is three bytes long, whereas the original "call 409EE0h" is five bytes.  Therefore, we cannot merely rewrite the original instruction atop the privileged one without overwriting subsequent instructions.

A second idea is to use detouring, another staple technique in reverse engineering.  We could find or create some unused space within the binary, patch a jmp from the privileged instruction to that new location, recreate the original instruction at that location, and then patch a jmp back to the location after the privileged instruction.  However, this idea is flawed for the same reason:  a long jmp instruction is five bytes long, so we would also alter subsequent instructions.

Bill Gates questionably said "I choose a lazy person to do a hard job, because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it."  After some thought, I recalled a bit of x86 processor arcana that can help us fit our detours into the three-byte spaces provided by the obfuscator:  the address-size prefix, 0x67.  Quoth the Intel manuals:  "Address calculations are first truncated to the effective address size of the current mode, as overridden by any address-size prefix.  The result is then zero-extended to the full address width."  I.e., when operating in 32-bit mode, if we prefix an instruction that references an address with 0x67, the address will be truncated to 16-bits.  

To be specific, consider the following:

UPX1:00410320 EB 00 jmp near ptr unk_410322 
; jump to 0x00410320 + 2(length of jmp instruction) + 0x00 

When we place an address-size prefix on this instruction, we get:

UPX1:00410320          db 67h
UPX1:00410320 67 EB 00 jmp near ptr unk_323 
; jump to (0x00410320 + 3(length of jmp instruction) + 0x00) & 0xFFFF

To use this trick for deobfuscation, we must first create a segment at address 0x0 of length 0xFFFF.

Recalling our motivating example:

UPX0:004081F7 in eax, dx ; obfuscated call 0x405000 + 0x4EE0
UPX0:004081F8 dw 4EE0h 

Let us overwrite these bytes with 67 EB FD:

UPX0:004081F7 db 67h
UPX0:004081F7 jmp short loc_81F7

This is the first half of our detour.  Now, at location 81F7h, let's replicate the original control transfer instruction and add a jmp back to the location after the obfuscated sequence:

ROLFMSRE:000081F7 loc_81F7:
ROLFMSRE:000081F7 call    sub_409EE0
ROLFMSRE:000081FC jmp     loc_4081FA

And now we have accomplished our goal.  Once we have replaced the obfuscated control transfers, we human analysts can read the listing more easily, and Hex-Rays no longer has trouble decompiling the code.